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Please watch this video for a little more backing on this chapter. - Aya

I learned fiddling with your thumbs only lasts for so long, it was already nine in the evening and I had been bored since I woke up from my third nap.

I was watching another weird story on the news, some girl went missing from some mental hospital. I was feeling slightly creeped out when they were showing her pictures and what not on the television.

I drew my gaze away as a very casual Dr. Kim walked inside the room. He was not wearing his glasses or his doctors coat, but he was wearing a baby pink coat.

"I was supposed to check up on you earlier but there was an emergency, a close friend of mine." He felt my forehead and squished my fluid bag around a but before looking at me like he forgot to say something.

" Your surgery will be in four days, hopefully then you can nag me with your voice."

The doctor placed his bag on the bed and began to dig around in it. He smiled as he handed me a smallish tablet. I looked at him surprised, had he brought it for me?

" I left my Netflix logged in, you can borrow it until your surgery. Have a good night Miss Jung."

He just left after that, with no regards to my heart falling fast for him. I needed to slow it before I had a heart attack.

Hey guys. Let me know if you liked the little text thing.  I feel like it will add more story without going over my word limit. Xx

the good doctor ¤ kim seokjinWhere stories live. Discover now