Chapter 2

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Author's Corner :

Author : Woah I'm awesome or what, I write two chapters in a day! Yay to myself!

Loki : Kneel you mewling quim! Bow down to your god!

Author : heh, a god-wannabe huh dude?

Loki : What did you say, you peasant?! *screaming like a banshee*

Author : huh did an asylum just lose one of their 'holier-than-thou' patients? Wonderful. A lousy git number 2, just what I need. Well whatever, onto the story guys~

-Chapter 2 : Unbelievable-

"Man, my body feels funny! And why do I feel cold too? Geez don't say that I forgot to close the damn balcony's door", (y/n) mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"GRRRRR", a growling voice of an animal jolted her awake. Instantly woke her up from her half-dream state.

(y/n)'s slightly blurry (e/c) eyes turned madly to the left and right. Her eyes stopped at the animal stood not far away from her.


The animal that look like a black wolf, a big wolf, was growling and showing its fangs to (y/n).

(y/n) stood abruptly, shaking her head a little and rubbing her blurry eyes to ease it. When her eyes focused, they widened. She watched in horror as the wolf ran to her with its opened jaw. She only stood rooted to the spot and shrieked in horror as the wolf jumped to her.

From the corner of her eye, (y/n) saw a hammer being hurled to the wolf's body. It came straight to the wolf's body. The wolf whined loudly before it tried to stood but it failed miserably.

(y/n) turned her head to see who was her savior. She saw a very muscular man wore an intriguing dark silver body armor that decorated with six iron dots. He also wore red cape and funny helmet with wings that adore on the left and right side of the helmet.

The wolf growled menacingly when it saw the man walked to where it laid. Suddenly, another growl came from behind the trees.

(y/n)'s eyes widened even more when she saw several more wolves run from the forest to where their injured friend laid. The man calmly called his hammer back to his hand as the wolves attacked the man at the same time.

The man raised his hand, the one with the hammer, over his head. (y/n) watched as lightning bolt emanated from the hammer and attacked the wolves without mercy. But, unknown to the man, some wolves attacked him from behind.

"Oh no!", (y/n) gasped in horror. She feared for the man's life and hoped that she could do something, anything.

From the tip of her fingers, a grayish blue smoke emerged. (y/n) looked at her hand when she felt mini blue lightning bolt on her hand. Her eyes widened again when she saw a hammer just like the man's on her hand.

(y/n) looked up when she heard the man screamed in pain, one of the wolves bit him on his shoulder. Spontaneously, she hurled her hammer to the wolf.


A sickening sound rang loudly when (y/n)'s hammer touched to the wolf's neck not so gently. The wolf's body was thrown away straight to the tree and it stopped moving. Dead.

Another wolf ran to (y/n) after that. She called her hammer back, attacking the wolf with the lightning bolt, burning the wolf to ash.

Then (y/n) pointed and commanded the lightning bolt to the remaining wolves. Instantly some of them burned to ashes while the remaining of the wolves ran away.

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