Chapter 3

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Author's Corner :

Author : I'm bored. I hope that something will entertain me before I'm dying from boredom.

Odin : Why don't you update this story, Girl?!

Author : Feh (you're awesome if you got the reference lol) Shaddup old man. Can't you see that I'm writing the new chapter with my Telekinesis power? *glancing at the flying phone* I bet not even Professor X could do it like me. *snort*

Mysterious voice inside of the Author's head: I assure you my dear that I can do it just 'like you'.

Author : uh-oh I'm outta here guys, buhbye.. 😅😓🙊🚺🏃

-Chapter 3 : Himalayan Blunder-

"W-w-what are y-you d-doing?", Loki stuttered as he looked down. His face slightly flustered as he saw the scene right below his nose.

Thor wasn't in a better condition, though maybe he was worse than his brother.. His face flushed deep red, his mouth was opening and closing like a fish. And, his eyes widened to the point that it almost looked like its about to pop out, while the Mjölnir was sprawling innocently on the floor beside its owner. In better words, Thor was completely and utterly dumbfounded.

Words were lost from both Thor's and (y/n)'s vocabularies a.k.a too gobsmacked to even form a word, let alone a sentence.

What's the reason for all of this gobsmacked business?! Well...

At the moment, (y/n)'s face was on Loki's lap. It was normal? they were just being lovey-dovey? Wrong. Unluckily (or luckily, depends on how you think about it) Loki sat on the floor beside the bed with his legs wide opened and his hands on (y/n)'s shoulders. While (y/n)'s flushed face.... was between his thighs and her lips... dear god her lips... were... on his crotch.

Did you wonder how come (y/n) was in a such scandalous situation? Well, let's go back to five minutes ago...

"What is this crazy dream you're talking about?", a male's voice asking her with his velvety voice.

(y/n) was so deep in her musing, she automatically answered it without actually acknowledging him. She was a dreamer alright.

"It's a dream about me meeting some crazy dudes who said that I was in Asgard and a hot blonde haired dude said that his name was Thor-",

"You ARE in Asgard. It seems like you have an interest to my brother. And what is the meaning of 'dude', maiden?", the male scoffed loudly. (y/n) totally ignored it and kept talking.

"-Man, he sure is hot and don't make me start with those *wolf-whistles* abs, it's way hotter than John Cena's! And wow his face.. he looks like Chris Hemsworth! Well, just like his last name, He-is-worth(y) alright but the point is-",

"Tch. I'm way 'hotter' than the big oaf. Whatever this 'hot' word means", the man only snorted, arms akimbo.

"-is that both Thor and Chris have the killer look. What the hell! Geezzz this sexual frustration is starting to make me sound like an ancient granny who is thirsty of a male's touch. I can actually hear Mike laughs his arse off. Just wait till I introduce him to my four inches high-heels. I will shove it to his arse-", (y/n) kept talking and talking, ignoring the deadly look on the male's face that was growing steadily as the times went by.

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