Chapter 12

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Author's Corner :

Author : What's with this depressing atmosphere? Geezz it's making me depressed 😰😩😢😭 lol

Mike : Author, what's with that dark aura around you? 😓

Author : *ignoring Mike* Go play the video while you read this chapter guys! You will thank me later 😂😂

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Author : *ignoring Mike* Go play the video while you read this chapter guys! You will thank me later 😂😂

-Chapter 12 : The Fragile Heart-

Loki stood there like a statue. Everything was still, the only thing that moved were his hair and his clothes. It swept softly to the left and right as the cold wind blew from the entrance of the cave, gently blowing it. He didn't even shudder, why would he? He was the definition of ice itself.

Loki couldn't believe it, the legend was telling the truth. There, standing or more like freezing, the previous king of Asgard, Bor Burison. The great king that well-known for his tragic end by the Asgardians. And here, Loki found the 'deceased' king in his freezing state, his chest wasn't moving but Loki knew better.



The sound of (y/n)'s frail coughs woke him from his deep thought. 'I will think about this later', Loki thought as he left a ball of magic around the freezing king's body. He quickly gathered the dropped twigs from the ground in his hands. He walked back to where Thor and (y/n) were with big strides.

Thor looked up when he heard her brother approached back, still hugging the shivering (y/n) tightly in his big arms. "Do you find something brother?", Thor quietly asked, keeping down his voice for fear if he used his normal booming voice, it will annoy (y/n).

(y/n) snuggled more to Thor, feeling the gentle humming on his chest every time he spoke. It soothed her, keeping her half-awake. She knew if she sleep in this kind of situation, she will die. Hyphotermia, ring any bell?.

Once there, Loki only grunted, answering his brother's question. He gently dropped the twigs to the ground not far from Thor and arranged it near Thor. He light a fire with the help of his magic.



A few moments later, the cave was lit in yellowish orange light from the fire Loki has just made. It softly crackling sound filled the quiet cave.

"Let me look at her wounds, it will be dangerous if we didn't heal it soon", Loki velvety voice broke the cozy and comfortable atmosphere of the cave. His eyes moved to look up at Thor from the fire, watching silently as his brother nodding his head.

Thor nodded his head, unwrapping his arms from around (y/n)'s body. (y/n) started to protesting when she felt her warm cocoon was moving away and making the cold wind licking her body. She tightened her hold on Thor, refusing to move from the warmth.

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