Chapter 23

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Author's Corner :

Author's Bro : Author, have you seen my- dear god my eyes! My fucking eyes! What the hell are you doing, Author?! 😨😨

Author : Trying to be a unique superhero? 😌😏 *looking at her bro through the mirror*

Author's Bro : With bright pink tutu skirt, yellow t-shirt, orange cowboy hat, and my red cloak? Damn you're officially crazy! Geezz my eyes! It scarred for life. 😵😵

-Chapter 23 : The Hardest Part of Ending is Starting Again-

It has been a week since Thor and (y/n) joined the Avengers. Currently the two were walking hand in hand to the cinema.

Have you wondering what happened when they met with Directory Fury? Well, let's go back to a few days ago....

After the strange thing that happened on the living room. Tony and Bruce, the science bros, went to the laboratory, saying that they needed to make some final check to something Tony said that 'this stuff isn't for a baby', which of course offended (y/n).

"I'm sorry dude but if it involves with something about ship and its design you can ask me. Thank you very much", (y/n) boasted proudly, puffing her chest. Her statement of course made everyone looked at her with questioning look.

(y/n) blinked at that. "What? I did say that I was sort of from here so yeah...", (y/n) shrugged her shoulders.

"Good! Maybe you can help us, let's go to the lab!", Tony announced, walking with a little jump on his walk.

'Look who talks about being a baby, he is the big baby himself pffttt hypocrite', (y/n) snorted inside of her mind, rolling her eyes at Tony.

Bruce quietly followed Tony to the lab after he glanced at (y/n), silently saying to come with him or she will get lost.

(y/n) nodded her head at Bruce before she turned her head to look at Thor. "Well, I will go with them to the lab. You go with Steve because I know he will show you our chambers", she quickly said before she dashed away to where Bruce go, clearly not waiting for Thor to reply it.

Steve's eyes widened after he heard that. "How did she know that I'm going to show you your bedroom?", Steve asked as he turned his head to look at Thor after he looked at (y/n).

Thor shrugged his shoulders. "May I have another tart of pop, brother Steven? I feel a little famished", Thor asked, eyes were glinting with tiny hearts as he remembered about pop-tarts.

"Come Clint, lets go training", suddenly Natasha said, gesturing for Clint to come. Clint nodded his head a little. The two then walked to the training room, leaving Steve to deal with Thor alone.

"Sure, Thor. Come, lets go to the kitchen first before I show you your room", Steve sighed loudly as he motioned for Thor to come with him.


Bruce and (y/n) came to the lab a few minutes after Tony. They saw the lab's doors were ajar but they heard no sound from inside of the room. Bruce shrugged his shoulders, walking casually to the lab while (y/n) was a different story.

(y/n) knew Tony's personalities quiet well. After all she was basically a comic trash so she read The Invincible Iron Man's comics more than enough to know about him. Even though she hated Tony's guts to hell for being playboy and stuff but it all thanks to Mike constant whining about her being suck for hating The Iron Man, so she relented.

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