Chapter 20 : Ambulance Yet Again

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As sophie was violently shaking her freind megan knew exactly what to do  , and didn't do what everyone else was telling her to which was to hold her still, everyone else who had no clue how to handle a seizure thought that holding her still would stop her bumping into anything, but in reality its not good to hold people unless specifically told to by a doctor or nurse

When the ambulance that was called by the school nurse finally arrived sophie was still shaking but not as violently as before , Sophie soon began to wake up and was terrified to see the same green uniform that she had seen so many times in the past little while, her first thought was what has happened, am i going to survive? , Sophie couldn't talk as she had her eyes open but was still shaking, she remembers one of the two ambulance officers, Filip comforting her continually say that she was going to be fine , and that they wont let anything happen to her.

At this point Sophie let out a major scream , and tears flew down her face as they stabbed a needle into Sophies arm , Filup assured sophie that it was just an iv line to give her medicine for her body to calm down in order to stop her condition deteriorating, once some medications were pumped into her iv FIip held Sophies head , and the other ambulance officer had her legs , lifting her onto a stretcher bed , which she had become all to familiar to this process

The descion was made thatshe was going to the hospital yet again, despite sophie really really not wanting to, As the other ambulance officer got in the driver's seat , Filip buckled himself into the seat next to Sophies bed , at this point Sophie pleaded for them to agree to send her home, Although Filip told her everything will be okay but the safest option is for you to go to the hospital incase you were to have another seizure.

The ambulance was filled with silence for a moment while neither Filip or Sophie could find words to say , until Filip decided to ask Sophie what she had for lunch

Sophie said "nothing yet i havnt had the time to "

Filip said "that makes two of us"

Sophie said "  why havnt you had lunch i thought you had breaktimes"

Filip said " we do but we can still get serious callouts which means we have to leave our lunch, which yours was one of them , i was in the middle of heating my lunch now im gonna have a empty containor and fork thanks to the other officers " (he said in such a joking happy sort of mood not angry"

Sophie jokingly said back " Well at least you can eat a fork and plate for lunch wonder what that would taste like"

Filip replied laughing  " probably like metal and glass id assume , i think id end up needing a ambulance myself "

Sophie replied "i wonder what ambulance they'd dispatch for you"

Filip replied " well we are gps tracked and the closest ambulance would be sent , meaning I and Zoey whos driving would be sent"

Sophie replied " wow imagine being dispatched to your own emergency "

Filip replied "that would be a pretty interesting situation, what do you want to be when you leave high school "

Sophie replied " i dont think you will believe this but i actually want to become a paramedic, i love the thought of helping people, evdn though you dont get thanked for it most of the time , i also love how i would be able to be able to attend a variety of cases, unlike when working at an office or in a school "

Filip said " wow you really do have a heart of gold to wotk in this workforce "

Sophie replied " well my main goal in life is to help as many people as possible and what better way to do it

Filip said "wow I love your goal of life when most people tell me theres goals its mainly this like they want to get rich yet you just want to help people, just like i did when i was your age and no one believed i was making the right descions  but here i am i love my job its not just a chore like most peoples jobs are"

At this point they were just about at the hospital when sophie took a slight turn for the worse her heart rate unstabilized , her temperature shot up and right in front of filips eyes sophie was shaking again Filip knew he had to stop shaking before they arrived at the Hospital as he remembered telling sophie earlier that she would not have to be admitted to the hospital , and they would just keep her under observation. 

Filip rushed to get the medication through her iv , within minutes sophie was fine again ,and they were pulling into the ambulance bay of the hospital , Zoey reversed the ambulance in between two other ambulance who were also about to unload patients. Sophie had a really weird feeling that she had seen the ambulance to the right of her before , while she was been unload so were the two other patient , and they were all trying to fit through the double triage doors , when a stretcher hit sophie's , that's when she heard a familiar voice say sorry , it was Eric , he at the same time realised who sophie was asked why sophie was there again , she said to eric that it was just the same reason as last time , but before she could realise that he hadn't know the reason she was their last time , as when he left they didn't have a complete diagnosis , even though eric had guessed it was a seizure . Eric whizzed past her as he was called for another , call leaving his patient who only had a broken leg in triage , Eric quickly stopped before exiting the door and said good luck sophie i don't want to see you in here to soon again okay. And he left . 

Filip was still by Sophie's side and asked how sophie knew Eric , so sophie told him , the first ever time i had a seizure he was the one who picked me up from the gp and saved my life , she didn't tell him the full story about Sean of course as otherwise Filip may have ended up telling eric one day.

Filip was called to ask Sophie's triage questions , even though Sophie was so unwell Filip made it very clear to the nurses that sophie did not want to be admitted , as she had just been released yesterday , and that it was enough of a trouble to convince her to go to hospital in the first place. Even though Filip had told the nurses not to admit her she was scared as Filip slowly walked back to her with less of a smile than he had before.

Sophies Seizures (true story )Where stories live. Discover now