Chapter 19 : Return to school

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Many days after her last day of her last day of school, Sophie had woken up at 6.30 am , as her mum was getting ready for work , she u are asked her weather she could return to school today , and her mum walked over to the table and handed the piece of paper that said Sophie was safe to go back to school , that was given to them by the doctor , on there last day of hospital , she said sure honey , just make sure that the office lady reads every single instruction on what to do if you are to have another seizure , i love you , i have to go to work now please be safe , also please make sure your brothers up before 7.20 so he doesn't miss the bus , like he has the past few days you've been in hospital .

Sophie ussaly held the responsiblity of waking her twelve year old brother up .Most teens would be like stuff off im not waking up a grump like that , although for the sake of sophies mum and older brother who both worked in the mornings she knew she had to , afterall her father used to right up until the day he passed away , well the last day of school before he did anyway ,  Sophies father had cancer and fought a long battle doing everything he normally would each day . So sophie learnt. from this that it wasnt hard to pick up one simple chore that would affect her whole family positivly.

So Sophie set her alarm 7.20 , in order to remind her to wake up her brother.    After setting the alarm she rushed around to get herself ready , after having a shower,getting changed  and doing her hair it was time to wake up her brother, afterall there was only ten minutes till they had to walk down there  driveway to catch their bus.

She packed her and her brother's bag as her brother got changed, and within no time they were walking down their driveway ,and hopping on the bus they had the happiest bus driver on this morning there bus driver said "Hey Stranger " to Sophie as she hadn't been on the bus for ages , as she usually never even missed one day of school, let alone many  consecutive days .

Half an hour they were arriving at a small primary school where everyone hopped off, including the college kids as they waited there for fifteen minutes for another minutes

On this particular day it was raining so all the college kids hid under a tree waiting for their bus to arrive, soon after it arrived and they all hurriedly hopped on, 20 minutes later they arrived at the college.  Where they all hoped off

Sophies freinds were waiting there for her and they, well most of her freinds were VERY happy to see her.
Sophie didn't feel as happy though it was almost as if she didn't want to be at school , but she felt as if she wanted to be their , her mind didn't feel the same about anything as it did the way before , it was like everyone and thing had changed in Sophies mind but in reality it was all the same as the day she left.

Before the bell for class rang she had to hurry up to the office to hand over the note, she did this and minutes later the form class bell rang and everyone ran into the class althoughq Sophie didn't it felt like she was carrying a bag of bricks, she walked in at a pace which felt slower than a snail.

Although her day continued as normal , she had maths , te reo , and was happy to have art next at least well she thought it would be at least but durn sometime at lunchtime she deteriorated and suffered yet another seizure, after 7 minutes Sophie opened her eyes , and about 10 people were staring at her although to her it felt like the whole school .

Sophies Seizures (true story )Where stories live. Discover now