CHAPTER 17 : seeing meg again

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As sophie was being wheeled back into the room megs face lit up , as she could finally put her mind to rest as she knew sophie was fine, Meg had barly gotten any sleep the night before as she could not stop thinking if sophie was okay or not .

Once the nurse who wheeled in 

Meg said " hey how are you"

Sohie replied "im fine now , how are you "

Meg replid "thats good , i was worried about you , i couldnt help but to think weather you would be okay or not , im tired but otherwise okay "

Sophie said " well at least your okay , sorry if i kept you up all night worrying i didnt mean to "0

Meg said " no its fine honestly dont be sorry "

At this point a doctor walked in the room to visit meg , after 20 minutes of talking to meg he walked out . Meg had been told she could go home in an hour , but only for the night , and that she would have to be in the ward by 9.00 the next morning , Although sophie was happy that meg could return home for a night visit she was also sad as she did not have this opportunity as well as she knew tonight was going to be a lonely night as her one friend she made returned home . 

After just over an hour the doctor walked back in an said it was time that meg could go home sophie had a few tears run down her face as she said goodbye although she knew it was okay , and that she would see her again in the morning . 

Just after meg  had left a different doctor walked into the room , and told sophie that they were waiting for results  from her most recent eeg , ecg and mri that were preformed , although he didn't have much confidence that anything would show up to give them a diagnosis , Sophies one question was " so what does this mean in terms of me returning home"

the doctor said well you can return home tomorrow if you wish if the results show nothing , although this would mean you would be required to call another ambulance even if you had another slight seizure , and that would most likely result in you being returned here okay .

She said thats fine i just want to return home ive been stuck in her for ages now . Soon after the doctor walked out of the room and sophie was alone , it made her feel as if no one cared , she was in this giant room with an empty bed next to her , where meg had laid earlier that day , she was happy that meg was able to return home , although she was sad because she didnt have anyone to help make hospital fun for her , like yesterday when meg played uno with her. Tears rand down her face , because she knew meg would be happier at home , playing with her younger brothers which she hadnt been able to do the past few days 

Sophies mind couldn't help but wonder if anyone really did care for her , only one person, other than her mum  in the whole time she had been in the hospital had came to see if she was doing okay.

Without anyone else in the room to ring the buzzer if sophie were to have another seizure the doctors decided for overnight she would need to be in high observation again , and could reetun to general ward once meg arrived back at the hospital the next morning 

By this time it was already late at night so they moved Sophie  and sophie struggled for an hour to fall asleep , as she couldnt deal with the noise of crying babys . 

Durn sophies sleep she had another seizure that was put under control by the high observation doctors which she was commpletly unaware of. 

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