CHAPTER 13 : Hospital .

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Brian made a promise to both Sophie and her mum (even though sophie was in her own world) ,that no matter what happened we would take the best possible care of sophie while he could.

Soon after the likely happened ,although it was the unthinkable to Sophie's mum , Sophie began to roll her eyes back into her head , and within 10 seconds she was violently shaking as brian had promised he took the best possible care of Sophie , He was a trained paramedic so didnt freak out , Although hurriedly got up and semi ran toward Sophie while telling Sophies mum to push the bright red emergency button , She pushed it as Brian Hurriedly worked to save a violently shaking unconscious sophies life.

Within seconds of Sophies mum pressing the button red lights flickered throughout the room , and the sound of screeching buzzers filled the hospital , as a flock of nurses and doctors seemed to rush to Sophies room ,as if they were a bunch of birds late for winter migration .

A very tired brian stepped back as the rest of them took over , Although brians job wasnt over he knew in hios heart he had to comfort Sophie's mum ,while telling her the news he had already known .Walking up to Sophies mum he said i know that Sophie certainly doesnt have a high chance of Survival this time ,as this is her third seizure today ,Athough i have hope she will survive ,because when i was in the room ,with my collegue and she had been rushed away from you , i knew in my heart i had to stay with you guys as she was a fighter that doctors wouldnt give chance to fight , i know if you trust me i will' make sure she will survive .

these were the words no mother wanted to here "your daughter has a low chance of survival" . Although Sophies mum had no option but to trust Brian, as she came to the realization her happy little girl from days before had diapered due to some evil monster inside her (obviously not a real monster )

As a team of around about 8 surrounded Sophie connecting her to machines , a miracle happened .Against all the doctors odds and thoughts sophie stopped shaking and slowly started to open her eyes . The monitor stopped beeping aswell her hear rate had found its way back to normal. Although Sophie wouldn't be returning home for a while at least she had Survived.

(the rest of the night was a blur for everyone although Sophie was transfered into a ward and brian and sophies mum went home , sorry this is a short chapter as i cant remember part of it neither can my family)

Sophies Seizures (true story )Where stories live. Discover now