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Maddie's P.O.V.

"Mads?" Jemima asks from the living room."Hold on, i'm getting my pizza out!" I say as i pull the tray from the oven. Luke has been gone for two months now. It's October sixteenth. He hasn't called me in a few days but Ashton says he is busy.

"Okay, just hurry up.. This is bad..." Hayden calls back.

I set the pizza on the counter and walk out to the living room to see Hayden, Jemima and Everest crowded around Jem's laptop. "What is it?" I question. I know they have been keeping stuff from me this past week. "Guys, what?" I say when no one answers me.

"Um.. I was on Twitter and i saw this picture..." (Picture at the top) She points to the picture. "Niall Horan Tweeted this saying, "Look at the cute couple. One month anniversary." Hayden looks over to me.

"Wait, what?" I ask in disbelief.

There was another picture of Luke kissing the girl. That's when i lost it. "That lying asshole.." I mumble and shake my head. A tear falls from my eye as Hayden hugs me. "I'm sorry.."

"It's okay guys. I'll just be in my room..." I say and stand up. I forget all about my pizza in the kitchen and trudge to my room, falling on the bed. How could he? Why would he? What happened to his promises? What do the boys think about this?

I pull out my phone and look it up. There is a few articles about Luke and his new girlfriend. A few videos. Lot's of pictures. Why didn't Ashton, Michael or Calum tell me?

Why didn't Luke tell me himself?

I sigh in frustration and click on an article.

The girls name is Charisma Green.. She is gorgeous... Way prettier than i am. She is taller too. Her hair is longer, eyes brighter. I look like a potato compared to her.

Her name is better than mine. I hate her. I hate him.

I, Madeline Eve Harrison, hate Luke Robert Hemmings.

*Eight Months Later*

They have been gone for ten months now. But today is the day that They are coming home. They spent three extra months in Europe. Everest, Hayden, Jemima and I are waiting at the airport. Rumors have it that his girlfriend is coming home with him. They have been together for like nine months.

Honestly i haven't been doing too well. It's sad to say that i don't eat much. I'm not starving myself or anything. I just don't have that much of an appetite. I can't stand watching or doing anything that reminds me of Luke. I changed my bedsheets and i brought back his clothes he let me borrow.

The girls are worried about me. Saying i am too skinny. I'm only 101 pounds. That isn't bad. I probably lost 25 pounds since i last saw the boys. But i'm fine this way.

I haven't spoken to any of the boys since October. I shut myself off, only coming out of my room to go to school and to go to the bathroom. Hayden finally got me to come out of my room in January for something other than school and bathroom time.

Jai came to sleep with me some nights to make the nightmares subside. I'd have terrible nightmares about Luke leaving me, hurting me, and other things that scared me shitless.

The girls helped me to not be so sad and torn down by Luke. Now i'm better. Though my emotions are kept to myself. The only way i like it now. My style has changed from sweet and pure to mysterious and badass looking.

I am a bit nervous to see everyone. Especially Luke. But that doesn't matter.

Anne told me to tell Ashton that she loves him because right now her, Harry and Lauren are on a cruise. They offered for me to come with but i politely declined because i have school.

There's a knock at my door which startles me from my thoughts. "Yeah?"

"We're leaving in twenty minutes!" Everest calls. "Okay, i'll be out soon." I say with a weak voice and stand up. I find my outfit i've had planned out for over a week now and put it on. I leave my hair natural and walk out the door.


"So are we. We might as well leave early." Jemima suggests and grabs her keys, tossing them to Everest. Within thirty minutes we arrive to the airport. There is still an hour until their plane lands. But it's better to be early than late.

"Maddie? Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Jem asks.

"Yeah, i'll be fine. Just worry about you guys. I'm sure you'll be happy to see them." I refer the the boys.

"I'm excited!" Jemima exclaims and does a little dance. I laugh and sit down in the seat.

"Wake me up when the plane lands." I mumble and shut my eyes. "Wow, you're just like Michael." Everest jokes. I swat at her and fall asleep.

"Maddie! Wake up! I can see them getting off the plane!" Hayden smacks my arm. I shoot up and fix my hair and clothes. "How do i look?" I question Jemima. She gives me a sympathetic look, "Gorgeous." She knows exactly why i was asking...

"Ashton!" Hayden screams and runs over to her drummer boyfriend. Jemima runs to Calum while Everest runs to Michael. I used to fantasize about this day. Me running into Luke's arms and kissing him once i saw him in the crowd. But that wasn't going to happen.

I look up and see Luke. He looks gorgeous. Buffer. Just perfect. The only problem was the brunette he had under his arm. My heart broke all over again, seeing them in person. Luke's eyes meet mine and i can see pain in his eyes. It's quickly covered up when his girlfriend, Charisma, kisses his jawline.

I breathe in and look away. "Maddie!" Ashton exclaims and runs over to me, lifting me up and spinning me around. "Woah, Maddie. You've lost like twenty pounds!" He exclaims and sets me down. I'm afraid i'll break you! Why are you so thin?" He asks and holds up my arm. "I lost twenty five actually.." I say like it's no big deal.

Luke looks over at us with a sad look on his face. I ignore it and go to hug Michael. They all look at me like i'm insane. Probably because i'm acting like nothing happened.

"Hello, i'm Charisma." The American girl says as she walks up to me. "You're Ashton's sister, right?" She questions. My eyes widen. Does she not know i'm Luke's ex?

"Yeah, Ashton's sister... Maddie." I say and hug her back. Luke's face is a bit red and he is fidgeting. I eye him and shake my head. I no longer have any hate for this girl. But the hate i had for her is now added onto the hate i have for Luke.

"How long have you guys been together?" I ask with a sweet tone.

"Nine months now. It was sweet. We met at a concert of his." She smiles innocently. I sigh but smile. "That's great. Are you staying in Australia?" I ask. "Yeah, but only for two months. So i'm going back home in August." Charisma replies and attaches herself back onto Luke who has guilty look on his face.

I could totally out him right now. Telling Charisma all about how he cheated on me with her. How he abandoned me. But i don't.

No matter how much i hate Luke....

I will always love him more....

Beside You - Sequel to UnpredictableWhere stories live. Discover now