He's Lying

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"Taehyung where are we going?"

He didn't answer me. What's happened to him?

"Taehyung can you stop for a minute? My head hurt."


"V? ...V?!"

He suddenly picks you up in bridal style and walks to some club room.

"Hey hey?! Put me down!" You hit Taehyung's shoulder slightly.

He come to a room. It looks like music room. But it's all dusty and abandoned for a long time.

Hmm, I didn't notice that we have this kind of room.

"What are we doing here?"

He then put you in a chair. He inhales and exhales his breath and the sigh.

"Y/N! What are you doing with him?! Who is Jungkook? He just wants to harass you!" He shouts at you, while he holds your shoulder so hard.

You suddenly shocked, you never see him so angry like that. His face makes you stutter "U-um I-I. H-he is...."

You too scared to answer him, or even tell the story behind me and Jungkook in the past. Then suddenly you start to cry.

"E-eh? Y/N no no no don't cry... Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry, I just worried about you."

He put his hand around you and hug you tightly. You cry even harder. You buried your face to his face and cry on his embrace.

"Shhh...Shhh, what happens? Hey, don't cry... Is he doing something to you?"

He tries to calm you down patting your head, stroking your hair. Everything he does to make you calm but you can't you too scared of Jungkook did something again.

"Shh... What happens? What is happening back there? Just say it. I won't tell anybody."

After you heard what Taehyung said to you, you trust him. You begin to talk while you still sniffing.

"I-I'm sorry for c-crying and make a-all your s-shirt wet."

"This? Hahaha, it's okay."

Your hands start shaking, you want to speak but you can't. Your mouth just shut there.

Why I can't talk? I want to tell him...........But what if I tell him, he will disgust, and leaving me alone? No one going to help me again....

"You can tell me what happens... I won't tell anybody, you can trust me, I will never let you alone."

Again he looks you in the eyes, you start crying again. You take a deep breath.

"V...H-help me, Jungkoo-"


You see Jungkook right in front of the door looking at you, his eyes look like going to piercing to your mind. You start shaking even more.

"Oh, that's enough babe. How could you say something behind your boyfriend back with some other guy?"

You look at Taehyung, he looks so confused and disappointed at the same time.

"Come on Y/N. You can't stay here for any longer. I will get really jealous you know?"

He said it with a smile, a really cute fake smile. He place his palm on your cheek.

It's fake. His smile is fake. V help me. Don't believe him.Help.Me.

Jungkook grabs your hand and walks away from Taehyung. You try to look at Taehyung, but Jungkook hand stop your face from looking at Taehyung. You go into the car, it's Jungkook car.

"Where are we going?" You look around you.

"Shhh..." He closes your eyes with a blindfold.

What's happening?!

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