Another history

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"Mommy! Dad stop it! You hurt her! Daddy, please stop!!" Jungkook ran to his mom and tries to protect her.

---- jungkook's past ----

"You such a useless woman!" Jungkook dads kick his wife.

"And you also! Why you can become same like her?! You're a man, don't be soft like her!" Jungkook's dad slap Jungkook in the face.

"I-I'm sorry dad. I don't do that again. But please don't hurt mommy..." Jungkook tries to hold his tears.

"Jungkook! You will become my successor. But how you can become this weak!! Don't cry Jungkook! Stand up straight!" Jungkook's dad shouted

Later when Jungkook still 6 years old, he has a really bad past with his father. Jungkook is the only child in the family. And he will become the family successor, but Jungkook's character doesn't fit to become what his father expected.

He loves to sing and dance, and he really has a kind heart. Because of his kindness, he becomes soft and weak and likes to cry. And he got bullied at school, some kids sometimes want to play with him and become his friend. But they just used Jungkook as their bank for their needs.

His father always abuses his son and his wife every day. He keeps doing the same thing until Jungkook turns 15 years old. He has grown stronger but in the wrong way. He becomes heartless, but at least he lives his father expectations. His father controls everything that Jungkook does. From his emotion to his future life. It was a real hell like years for Jungkook, he even tried to commit a suicide.

But his mom keeps on supporting him, he can still dance and sing if his fathers not around. He always sings for his mother, and his mother always smiles if he sings something to her. That's why he keeps on living.

Until one day, his father hears Jungkook singing. It's was so beautiful but his father doesn't even care about Jungkook's talent. He just wanted after he died, all his treasure still there. He really loves his money and title, and want to keep it.

Jungkook knows that doesn't make any sense. He can't keep his title and wealth, it will be gone one day.

After he heard Jungkook singing, he tried to give him a punishment again. He tried to hit Jungkook with his belt, and as always his mother protects him. But Jungkooks father throws her until she hit a table beside her sits. After saw all things, what he does with his wife until she gets coma and always go back and out of the hospital, his fathers didn't change at all. His father even get really worst, he looks like a psycho, he loves to abuse Jungkook even more.

For Jungkook itself, he becoming more and more like his father. Long time when he with Y/N, he likes to bully her like his father does. But Y/N still smile and still play along with him. He always saw her as his toy that he will throw someday. Until that day, he tries to sexually harass her, he did and he saw Y/N. Soulless and hopeless. He likes that, he really love how Y/N emotions turn out. He did that because Y/N she never changes, she's a really kind girl with her smile that's make him have a little feeling for her. That's why he wants to get rid of her, he doesn't like his feeling towards Y/N. 

One day he didn't see her again, she just disappears like air, she was gone and left Jungkook all alone. In that time he feels so empty inside, something was lost in his life. He then realized that because of Y/N's gone he feels that way.

He searches for her everywhere. Then he found her school and got transferred there. After he meets her, his life starts to move again. The emptiness inside him is fading away.

He knew he loved her. It was his first love, and it always is.

"Jungkook? Jungkook... Wake up"


"Hey... Wake up. It's already late afternoon.."

"Uh? Really? I'm sorry... " he then gets up and sits on his bed. "Hey, babe....." He caressing your cheek.

"What happened to you? Did you have a bad dream?"

Jungkook lays his head your shoulder, his hair brushing your neck make a shiver all over your body.

"Can you drink?"

"U-uhh... I guess? If that makes you more okay then let's drink." You smile at him.

You know you can't drink alcohol even wine. If you just drink one shot of it, you will get drunk easily. But you trust him.

--- after drinking 4 shots of alcohol ---

"Neee kookie.... " You put your head on his chest.


"you know that I love you right?" 

"Pfft yes... Why are you asking that?.............You drunk too much Y/N you should stop drinking that alcohol... Why are you saying yes if you even can't take just one shot? Hah... Y/N.."

"Hmm? Naahh I'm finee~"

He sighs as he takes another shot.

( ❗️Alert alert light smut scene detected ❗️)

"Aahhh why it's so hot in here?" You try to take off your clothes. Left yourself with your bra on.

"Ah... Why are you do this to me Y/N?" He shook his head while looking at your breast.

"Don't look at me like that..... I know I have a small chest. So what?" You sit on Jungkook laps and put your body to his chest.

"Uh... Y/N you need to stop..or I-"

"You what? Is it not ok for me to lay down on you??" You all drunk.

"I know... But I can't handle it if you like this... Come on... I'll take you to your room."

"Ehh?? Already? I still want to take one more glass...." You try to take the shot glass.

"Ahh come on Y/N... Your cheeks all red now." Then he carries you, you put your arms around him and put your head on his shoulder.

Your body feels all cold. You try to search for a blanket and you can't find it one. You then open your eyes, looking at Jungkook topless.

Why he topless?............. Why am I here.......................... Wait........ is he?

A/N: Hello.... How's the story going? I just ran out of ideas @.@. I'm sorry if I put some small smut here. I'm so sorry. Did you guys watch Mic Drop MV? BTS with Steve Aoki remix on it. OMG!! That MV it's so cool.(╯✧▽✧)╯. All the member is very arghh.. I can't... *fangirl screaming* and Steve Aoki... Ah, he so AWESOME!  If you guys do not watch it yet, you probably should watch it now.

Here's the MV. 

(ノ'ヮ')ノ*: ・゚

Look at themm *fangirl scream* I cannot (」><)」. 


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