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3 months past, and you still become Jungkook's manager. It was same old days. You also miss your school so bad. Not the school, but Tahyung.

"Hey, did you know that your mom wants to come to see us?" He ask you with excitement.

"Really? Why didn't she told me? Why he told you first?" You make a angry face.

"I don't know."

You just walk with Jungkook in his garden. It was a very nice garden with so many flowers in there. While he is holding your hand you saw someone from a distance. It's your mom coming with a copper and she wearing a long dress that flows with the wind and her long hair it's so calm to see. You missed her so much.

"Momm!!!" You run leaving Jungkook behind. You hug your mom "Mom welcome back." You slightly crying.

"Hey, sweetheart. I miss you so much." She wiped your tears.

"I miss you too mom. I miss you so much."

Your mom breaks the hug and comes toward Jungkook.


"Hey, auntie.." He smile weakly.

"Come here...." Your mom suddenly hugs Jungkook.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook for what happen to your mom. I hope I still there with your mom and you. Sorry I left you alone."

"It's okay auntie. I-I'm alright." Jungkook starts to cry. You never see him cry, or even cry like that. He looks so fragile, you feel like you really want to keep him from breaking.

"Oh, Jungkook." Your mom brushes his hair and cries with him. "I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry."

"I-it's not your fault auntie. It's my fault."

"No please don't say like that."

They both crying so much that makes you cry a bit too.

What is happening with auntie? Is she die or something? No it's impossible! Don't think like that Y/N!

After they both relief. They break their hug and talk a bit, your mom gives you a sign to come and join.

"Y/N you need to be with him, no matter what happens to you. You understand?" Your mom hold both of your shoulder and look you in the eyes.

"Yes, mother." You smile.

"I need to go soon. I still have a business with his father in another country."

"Mom. It's still too soon. I still miss you." You hugs your mom's arm

"You need to be here. Protect him." Your mom brush your cheek carelessly

"Okay." you say with a gloomy face.

"It's okay auntie if she going to do anything bad to me I will tell you right away." Jungkook wraps his arm around your shoulder.


"Haha... You both still close until now aren't you." your mom ruffling both of your hair.

"Of course!" He smiles brightly.

"Take care kids. Bye Bye."

"Bye!" You and Jungkook wave your hands.

"Hah... Now what?" You say to Jungkook. While brushing your tears away.

"Hmm... How about we go to my bedroom. We do fun stuff."

"Wait. No! I don't want it."

"You have too." He that picks you up and runs to his bedroom.

"No Jungkook! put me down!" you hit Jungkook shoulder.

"We're here! Here change your cloth." He throw the new clothes that he chooses in the past. "But..... You need to change it in front of me."

"What? Are you kidding me?! I'm a woman. You pervert."

"We already did everything together. Why do you still embarrassed in front of me. Besides I already see your body a hundred times."


"Shhh. Your mom says you need to be by my side forever remember?"

"Not forever!!"

"Oh... It's that so.... It's okay I can tell your mom that you don't want to stay."

"N-no. *sigh* okay okay fine."

You then slowly open your tops and bottoms. You blush so hard, when you see Jungkook, he doesn't even look at you.

What is he thinking? He wants me to change my clothes in front of him, but he even didn't look at me! ....... Wait what am I thinking?!



Shoot he already plan all of this. All the clothes and game?.... Oh no...

"Now let's play. Come sit here beside me."

You come and set your heart racing, then he pulls you and you fall on his bed.

"Okay let's play."


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