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He held your hand harshly, then takes you to a car.

"A-aa Jungkook where are we going?? We still have school right now. Let me go Jungkoo-"

He put you inside a car. He takes a blindfold from his pocket, an ties it to your eyes he also ties your hands to your back with a handcuffs. Closed your mouth with a fabric.

"Be a good girl ok? I will give you punishment if you be a bad girl."

What happen? Where he wants to take me? Somebody help me!

You start struggling to open the fabric around that wraps your mouth.
You feel someone grab your waist pull you closer and nibbling your ear.

"You still have the same small ear." He whispered to your ear. " So cute~"

You feel a little bit tickle, you move your head down to stop him nibbling your ear. Then Jungkook grabs your forehead, pull you back to his face. You feel his breath from your ear down to your neck giving you a shiver down to your spine.

He then sucks your skin to leave a mark on you. You try hard not to make any sound.

"Now. You are officially my doll again. Congratulation Y/N" he smirks.

He continuously playing your ear and licking your neck. It's so hard to keep yourself silence. You start moaning a bit.


Is he still doing that? I'm so tired.....

You feel Jungkook lending his head to your shoulder.

Is he sleeping?

You can't see what facial expressions he made. But you can feel he going to be so cute like when both of you sleep together when you both still in kindergarten. You start to sleep too.


Where did this guy take me? I don't want that accident happened again.

Somebody pick you up, and you hear the door open sound, footstep and people say welcome home master.

Are we inside Jungkook house?

You heard someone opening the door, and you feel someone put you on a bed and start to unbutton your shirt and unzipped your skirt and leave you with your bras and panties. You start panicking you can't do anything. You still tied up you then start to cry.

Then you see Jungkook open your blindfold and handcuff around your wrist. He sees you cry and remove the tears with his thumb.

"What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything to you."

"Then why are you remove my clothes?"

"No, it's not me. It's my maid they just changed your clothes, your body is sweating it's disgusting. Besides I have no interest in your body anyway."

Then he whispers " You still flat Y/N~" You blush a little bit, and pissed of by what he said.

"Ah~ You still boring like the last time I saw you."

You don't care what he said. Then you stand up walking to the mirror.

You look yourself on the mirror, and you see that you dress all pretty and formal.

"Why I need to wear this? Where are we going?"



"Me. You have a date with me, cause you are my girlfriend."

"No, I'm not. I didn't say yes! I don't like you either!"

He grabs your hair and pulls it up.

"Aw aw aw it's hurt. Stop ittt"

"I won't let it go until you say that I'm your boyfriend."

"No, I won't"

He pulls even harder.

"Aw awawawaw ok ok you are my boyfriend. Stop it aw it's hurt!!!!" You slap his hand that grabs your hair.

"Good girl. Now let's go, we need to go right now."

Then you follow him from behind.

But somethings going to happen that night.

|| A/N ||
Hey guys! Thankyou for reading my story until this chapter. I know it's kind of slow, but hope you still stick until this chapter end.😭 I still learning to write a story. I will work hard to make this book more interesting!

Thankyou so much!☺️
Another chapter will be publish on Sunday~ 🐰

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