A/N #1

3.5K 63 0

Hey guys!!!

Recently we've got a milestone for reaching 800 readers for this book! Wow, you all are so amazing, thank you so much for all your support it's encourage me to make a good story for you all. I don't know how to say, if you can saw my face it's literally a blank shock face.


I can't believe you did this! Ahhh... I'm so happy

(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ). I hope you enjoy all the story in this book. And there is something that I want to tell you guys.

If we get to 1k viewers, what you want to do? I give you a choice.

1. You guys can choose any chapter that you've to think you want to know Jungkook P.O.V.

2. I make a Q&A chanpter for you, and you can ask me anything!

3. Request me one of your idea stories to put in this story about Jungkook x Y/N, maybe a date or something...

4. I give you one deleted scene from this story.

5. You can choose what you like/want me to do.

Feel free to choose what's feels good for you

And again thank you so much, guys... Please keep on supporting me to make a good story for you all. I'll try my best! Fighting!!

- M

Almost forgot. If you guys interested in arts, such as music, painting, etc. You guys can check my patreon for some of my artwork. (link will be on the bio) Disclaimer! I'm not a professional artist, I just love and enjoy drawing as much as I love to write the story! Please feel free to go there and maybe say hi to me or anything


Bye guys.... Love you guys to the moon and back ☺️😘
Don't forget to eat well, stay healthy and do more exercise!

Okay I leave now.... Bye~
( ' ' )

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