4- Being Drained and Running Away

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We sat inside a small diner I was smushed between Andy and Mrs.Strucker. Andy had his head down on the table and I rested my chin on his shoulder I felt drained my whole body aches and head was pounding  "The important important thing is, everyone's all right."Reed says"Andy was anyone actually hurt?"He asks making him sit up some"I don't know. Okay? I. I don't remember it. It was just...it was all confusing."Lauren glanced at me eyes brimming with tears. "So to be clear you didn't touch them before they touched..."Reed starts"Yes, Dad, they came after him."Lauren states"And after they came at you..."he looks towards me"No. I just knew they hurt Andy again and I don't know I snapped"I bite my lip trying not to cry I didn't mean too. Andy wraps his arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder. "This isn't a deposition, Reed"Mrs. Strucker says. "I am trying to understand the situation. Legally if they..."Reed says getting defensive Mrs.Strucker is quick to snap back"Legally I don't think it matters. The man from Sentinel Services said tha-"Reed cuts her off "Wait Sentinel Services? You mean the police?"Reed asks"No Sentinel Services as in killed my brother. Trying to destroy all Mutants. That Sentinel Services"I say. "They were just going to take the kids.  You can't talk to Cal? He's the D.A. He could..."Mrs.Strucker trys"This is way beyond Cal's jurisdiction. Sentinel Services is a federal agency. The only reason you got away is they didn't have enough time to put a full team together. We uh...We have to go. Now."I try to sit up but my head pounds harder."Scout you okay?"Lauren asks looking at me with concern"I think I'm drained I've never  done so much with my mutation."I say Reed looks at me with concern as Andy tightens his grip around my shoulders."uhm okay...We-we could call Jenny-"Mrs.Strucker says"I am not talking about staying at your sisters condo in Phoenix for a few days. I mean we have to go somewhere where the mutant laws are looser. Like Mexico or..."Reed gets cut off by Mrs.Strucker"Mexico? What about Scout we can't just kidnap her. Take her away from her mom."Lauren scoffs "Her mom would send her straight to sentinel services just like she did to Tegan"Lauren was on the verge of tears and I was to exhausted to even respond. "It's her mother honey"Mrs. Strucker says"She is not going"Andy's words were harsh and strong. His grip on me tightening"Andy. We can't just kidnap her. Her mother is her mother she has rights"Mrs.Strucker gets again."No"Andy shouts a little too loudly the table shaking"I'm not going don't worry I'm staying with you guys"I say grabbing his other hand. As the table stops shaking him looking down on me"Sorry"He whispers"We got to go now"Reed says looking around at the customers who all stared at us. Everyone got up and I tried my legs shaking. Reed seeing this picks me up bridal style as we rush out.

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