5-Donuts and Questions

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I wake up to someone shaking my arm. "Scout Are you hungry?"Lauren says"Let her sleep. I'll bring something back for her"I hear Andy whisper to her. I groan stretching my body feeling a hundred times better than yesterday. "I really hope they have donuts"I say making Andy smirk"that's all you ever want"He says . "You'd think since you grow plants and stuff your like I don't know fruits?"Mrs. Strucker jokes"Guys this is not the time to joke I'm hungry and craving the chemicals they use to make those delicious powdered sugar cover donuts"Lauren rolls her eyes. As we leave the small motel room.

"I know this, like, sucks, but honestly, it's a relief to be able to talk to you all about it"Lauren says"And it may suck but I got my best friend back"I smile at Andy "Guess all it took was me ruining our lives."Andy says bitterly "Andy. It wasn't your fault"Lauren says"Yeah I'm the one who almost killed anyone. On purpose. I mean they deserved it, but I'm the psychopath here not you"I say"If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't even be here. I nearly got us killed and then last night in the car, I could have actually helped, and I-I couldn't even do anything."He says making me sigh"It takes practice."I say just when Lauren says "It gets better. At first it's like a sneeze something that just happens. You have to work at it."Lauren says"What does it feel like when you...?"He moves his hand around imitating Lauren moving the air. "You know when you put your hand out of the window of a moving car? You can feel the airand, like....guide it?"Lauren asks "yeah"Me and Andy say in sync."I can...push the air together. With water, too, other stuff it's just...harder."Lauren finishes "How about you?"Andy asks looking at me. "It's kind of like I imagine myself with a piece of clay and I use that clay to shape the plant and make it rise and grow exactly where I want it. Like my hand is some sort of shape creating genius. It always makes me so happy. Making my creation come alive. Seeing it in my mind then it being created. Plants they ground me. Being around them it just feels like im home...I've had to train a lot and im still not very good at it. I've never really made anything bigger than vines that's why I think the tree last night drained me."I look towards Andy"And you?...How do you...
I don't know feel? How does it happen?"I ask curiosity getting the best of me. "I don't know. I was looking at those guys and what they were saying about....that doesn't matter anyways I just...wanted to push everything away. You know?"Andy says I was very curious on what they were saying, but divided now wasn't the time. "Well, I'd say you did a very good job of that. I mean I couldn't even get to you only Scout could. It was like the only thing you weren't pushing away was her."Lauren says making me blush as she smirks at the two of us."A+ for your first try"I say"First A+ I've ever gotten."Andy says with a smile making Lauren and I laugh."Hey. Who taught you how to swim?"Lauren asks"You and Tegan"Andy answers making me smile. Tegan was always teaching us things eventually Lauren started helping when they started dating. "I can teach you this"Lauren states"And if all else fails I'll grow some flowers to make the destruction at least loom pretty"I joke making the siblings laugh.

"Watch"Lauren says as we stand in front of the vending machine. She reaches out her hand guiding a bag of popcorn out with the air. It falls making Andy say"Dude!" I laugh before making a vine stretch from a crack in the ground up and into the vending machine wrapping around a pack of donuts and coming back out until they were right in front of me"Holy shit that was awesome!" Andy says. "Your turn"Lauren says looking towards Andy."Take it slow."Andy stretches rolling his shoulders"Focus...on how you felt. Okay?"Lauren says Andy looks at me before giving a nod to Lauren. There was a low rumbling sound. As items in the vending machine started to shake. I give a worried look to Lauren as a bag of frosted animal crackers fall. The rumbling stops"That's good. That's awesome."Lauren says but I had a bad feeling about this. More rumbling sound as the whole machine shakes all the snacks bouncing up and down. "Andy, that's enough. Andy. Andy!"Lauren yells trying to grab him but is stopped by some sort of invisible force field from before. She tries to fight it "Stop."I try to tell her fighting against his unconscious is probably not good that's like trying to wake a sleepwalker right? I quickly walk toward grabbing Andy's hand"Andy stop"I say but, I was too late the vending machine glass shatters right as Lauren pulls us back"Ow! Ow!"Lauren yells I look down seeing a cut on her arm. "Oh my God."Lauren whispers"I'm so sorry."Andy says "It's okay."Lauren says"We've got to go"I say"I'm sorry"Andy looks at me fear in his eyes"It's okay I'm okay, but we've got to go"I say "Go"Lauren pushes Andy fowards. I quickly grab a pack of donuts, some m&ms, and a bag of popcorn. Before quickly following them.

I played on the bed my head resting on Andy's chest and my hand gripped tightly in Lauren's hand. I could hear their parents whispering but felt as though eavesdropping would be rude of me so instead I listened to Andy's heart beat trying to take a nap like the two siblings were I couldn't though. All I could think about was what Andy had said about what the bullies had said to him at the school and how when Lauren told him to focus on how he felt he had looked at me. I just wanted to know what was going on. "Kids kids! Kids get up!"Mrs. Strucker runs over to us shaking us. We all jump up. "Mom, What's going happening?"Andy asks"We got to get out of here."Mrs.Strucker says "Get your stuff"Reed says. I quickly put on my shoes and grab my bag"Let's go!"

"We're gonna have to move quickly."Reed says as we rush out of the motel. "Where are we going?"Andy asks "We've got to stay out of sight."Reed replies."With that thing in the air?"Mrs.Strucker growls "In a moment they're gonna find the car. We have to get out of here."Reed replies"Mom. Dad. The truck."I turn to look at Lauren who was pointing to a truck where a man was about to get in. Getting the idea. I make a vine grow to trip him he falls and we run fowards Lauren putting a forcefield In front of the man so he can't come any closer to us "Whoa"He says "Dad. Dad. We got to go"Lauren says as we all like into the truck. Before Reed speeds off. Not suspicious at all Reed. Not suspicious at all.

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