9- Memories or dreams?

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"Scout! Scout!"The screams made me look around desperately trying to find their source. I try to get up but my limbs couldn't move they were tangled in vines reaping me to the bed. A man comes in the room I don't recognize him, but the boy that cradled his hand seemed farmiliar he was young not any older than a toddler his boyish face starring down at the ground small tears falling from his face"I just want to go home"A woman's voice says looking over I see her my mother looking much younger and innocent as she was in the hospital bed a swollen belly and tears dripping down her face. "I've done so many bad things in my life I've caused so much pain. I can't do it anymore. Scout and Tegan don't deserve that you don't deserve that. I won't ever hurt you. I won't ever let anything happen to you. That's why I have to leave."The man's voice was rough but it calmed my nerves. "You. You aren't supposed to leave."My mother's voice cracks. "I'm not leaving not tell I see her I've got to see her first. Then you won't ever see me again. I've got to protect you all. I can't hurt you"The man says.

The scene changes and the man stands holding the young boy before a glass window of sorts looking into to see the newly born children. He points to a smaller baby wrapped in a pink blanket. "You are my son. You may not remember me, but remember this. She is your sister. Protect her. She is not like us. She is full of innocence and prepared for great things. While our gifts bring rage she will always bring joy. She is meant to create beauty out of chaos. She is meant for the chaos but only to create beauty in it. Do not take her away from the chaos. Nothing is worse than beauty without it's chaos."As the man finishes his words a new baby wrapped tightly in a blue blanket screaming terribly was wheeled in and placed next to the pink bundle the screaming stopped the nurses starring in amazement.

The scene changes again and the man stood outside starring solemnly at the hospital before him. With the blink of an eye his appearance changed and I recognized him then as Reignfire my father's enemy. I scream trying to move but I was still trapped to the bed. A woman notices him and screams falling back all of a sudden there was a fight I couldn't make out what was happening fear overtaking me making me close my eyes tightly all I could hear was screaming, crying, crashing, and burning."Please just don't hurt my little girl"Silence. It filled my ears making my senses go into over drive trying to figure out what happened I open my eyes to see the original man who I recognized now as my father. He layed dead on the hospital ground. Next to him my mother crying hysterically holding the small bundle of pink close to her as it shrieked and the little boy gripping my father's arm trying to wake him."dad"the boy cries shaking him harder now. "My family"the words come out of my mouth as more of a breath as the tears pur down my face.

Then I look and next to me is my father alive now he wipes my tears. "You've grown so much. I'm proud of you Scout. I always knew you'd make me proud, but never this proud"He says "how are you alive? What's going on?"I question. "None of that matters just remember what I said about chaos. And Scout remember...we're family. I'm your father."He says kissing my forehead, but before I can respond his image is blown away like smoke.

The scene changing to Tegan older now he sat holding a phone to his ear. "Scout. You hate me I know that you do. You hate me for leaving you. Well the thing is I've always loved you. But I promised dad I would never take you away from Andy. And it's unsafe for you here. I fucked up. I know. But I don't know what's happening to me it's like I've lost control. They pushed you and ever since I just I can't stop. I've always protected you, but I can't anymore, unless I leave you. You're safer without me Scout. I'm just like him. I'm just like dad. Now I have the same sins as him. All I ever did up to this point was you scout. That's all dad ever did. But sometimes our sins catch up with us. You know no matter what dad did. I still love him. He's our dad Scout. I'm your brother. Please just don't hate me. I love you."There is a sound of a answering tone"We're sorry the number you have dialed has a voice mailbox that hasn't been set up yet. Goodbye"A woman's voice says. "God Damn It!"Tegan screams his hand lighting up in flames as the phone melts he throws it.


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