Chapter Three ⸙ The dreaded drag

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The redhead found someone else joining the grandma. A man that looked equally creepy.

ʻʻHello,dear. I am Mr. Spike and you've just arrived, we can't let you goʼʼ The underlying meaning apparent to Melinda while his raspy voice and the look in his eyes urged the girl to scream in terror.

Her blue eyes desperately sought the streets for help. She parted her lips and a terrifying scream of panic left her mouth but the few people on the street failed to notice her.

Melinda felt invisible!.

Her eyes wide and filled with terror as a deep throaty cackle reached her ears. ʻʻThey can't see you. no one can!ʼʼ and in a flash Melinda found the ground disappear beneath her as she landed with a thump onto the wooden patio. Tears burned her eyes while she tried to crawl away to safety but unfortunately for her, Mr. Spike gripped her legs as he pulled her further into her destruction.

Melinda's nails dragged across the flooring as she trashed furiously along with a scream utterly terrifying surrounding her. A final pull and her vision of the street disappeared, darkness flooded.

The door shut automatically swallowing the girl's final screams and then the torture began

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The door shut automatically swallowing the girl's final screams and then the torture began. . .


© adeela

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© adeela

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