Chapter Nine ⸙ The dreaded capture (the end)

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ʻʻIt's play time!ʼʼ The couple cackled as they repeated what the demonic ghost girl said moments ago. Melinda couldn't take it anymore and a wail left her mouth as she pleaded desperately ʻʻNo! please leave him alone! pleaseʼʼ

The redhead heard the creak of wood underneath sneakers making her eyes widen further,fear stirring in her chest.

ʻʻPlease, leave him alone! Stop please!ʼʼ she screamed as the boy's feet padded across the wood of the patio.

ʻʻRun!ʼʼ she tried to yell but a shadow stood in front of her, it raised a hand above Melinda's mouth capturing her voice.

ʻʻRun!ʼʼ she tried to yell but a shadow stood in front of her, it raised a hand above Melinda's mouth capturing her voice

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The sound of knocking reached her ears so she glanced at the door and watched as Mrs. Spike creepily smirked at her.

The door opened—and Cody stood there, brightly smiling in his superman costume. The ten-year-old held out his bag and spoke the same words Melinda did, before this began.

To Cody this was a normal house.

The boy figured his sister,Mel ditched trick-or-treating for a party with her best friend, Emma but young Cody was unaware of his sister watching him with worry and tears in her eyes.

ʻʻTrick or treat?ʼʼ

Mr. Spike left Melinda's arm as the black shadow from before stood in place. Her knees gave way and she dropped to the floor and watched as Cody struggled against them, his screams smashing into her like cold icey water. ʻʻLet me go!ʼʼ Cody yelled and then the door slammed pulling his screams to another room.

The shadow waved a hand across Melinda's face,her voice now returned and a blood curdling scream of agony filled the house of torture elicited by Melinda as the shadow screechily whispered ʻʻHappy Halloween. . .ʼʼ


© Adeela J

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© Adeela J

Word count: 1941 words|Prompt:2
Entered:Mystery community
Halloween Contest 2017

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