Chapter Four ⸙ The dreaded dark room

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Melinda remained unaware of her location while her cries mixed with the screams of other unknown people. Melinda knew one thing for sure, she wasn't alone. Her spooky captures had dragged her inside a room and tied her down to a metal table that screamed torture. The room reeked off death and terror, if that even had a smell...

The darkness occasionally lit up with a red light, which hung above Melinda's laying and tied body onto the metal table. Thus allowing her to catch glimpses of the area and tools that layed next to her. Each time the bulb flickered on for its ten seconds, movement occurred as if shadows were dancing about.

 Each time the bulb flickered on for its ten seconds, movement occurred as if shadows were dancing about

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Blood draped the chipping walls and whispers played around. Screams filled the haunted house along with cackles and demonic like voices conversing. Metal scraped against something or someone and strange hisses whispered a story, a story which Melinda wished she never read.

Minutes agonizingly disappeared and then utter silence arrived. The teenager tried to rip the leather bindings on her wrists which dug into her skin, leaving it raw.

Stupidly, Melinda called out into the dreadful silence ʻʻhello, what's going on?!ʼʼ

Her response was a sibilate that chilled her bones to their very core. Her ragged breathing was all that could be heard now before a crackle echoed out and the light wheezed a final wave of illumination, dying out.


© Adeela

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© Adeela

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