Chapter Five ⸙ The dreaded song

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Melinda felt a wet substance drip onto her skin. She shuffled with panic begging to spew out of her.

What the hell is dripping on me?!

Another drop of liquid and then a voice began ʻʻDrop

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Another drop of liquid and then a voice began ʻʻDrop.Drip.Dropʼʼ Childlike but haunting, singing out with apprehension.

Abruptly the voice ceased and Melinda gulped, she held her breath,suffocating a sob as goosebumps flickered onto her skin.

Someone or something... giggled as they sang again ʻʻDrop.Dripʼʼ

A sickening choke followed and the childlike voice had been consumed by a deep scratchy octave.

The wheezing from the bulb started and soon it lit the room up with its creepy red light. The voice stopped and Melinda finally exhaled, her eyes closing shut momentarily.

A sigh of relief was about to be heard from Melinda when she spotted a silhouette as the light flickered. Her eyes narrowed and squinted while she attempted to make out the figure of... a girl?.


© Adeela

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© Adeela

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