Chapter Seven ⸙ The dreaded reveal

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Melinda remained unsure of the time which had passed as she was occupied with a terrifying ghost torturing her. The teenager pleaded countless of times for the torture to cease but that never happened...

Until a loud ring filled the house of terror which pulled the demonic girl away from Melinda's wounded body. A spine tingling cackle reached the redhead's frail form and then the pain finally stopped, she was alone. Her whimpers and hisses of pain being the only sound now apart from the whizz coming out of the red light. Her eyes scanned the blood on the floor, on her top, drying on her skin...

The red light continued to blink while Melinda leaned onto the metal table,heaving a sigh.

Moments later the wooden door opened snapping her out of the quiet state. Mr. and Mrs. Spike had disturbing grins on their wrinkled faces.

ʻʻC'mon, dear we got something extra for youʼʼ They beckoned her over.

Dread locked onto Melinda as their fingers gripped her arms and tugged her out of the room, into the main area where Melinda found people walking about in a daze. Most were pale and zombie like.

Others lost while some looked deranged

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Others lost while some looked deranged.

ʻʻOh! don't worry, dear soon you will look just like themʼʼ Mrs. Spike whispered hoarsely which made Melinda flinch. Her eyes scanned the once normal teens whom were now turned into some sort of zombie ghosts by this horrifying house.

If my stupid little brother came trick-or-treating for himself instead of sending me, I could've avoided this. I wouldn't be getting tortured and trapped!.

Melinda felt the consternation zipping through her body. Something was about to happen and the girl wished now,more than ever that she could be at home,safe and sound. . .


© Adeela J

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© Adeela J

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