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It was a very dark night, besides the moon that gave a bright, yet beautiful glow in the night's grass and trees.

The atmosphere was calm and collected. The Earthrealm animals were suddenly alarmed by a person wearing a very dark cloak, camouflaging with the night.

The person seemed to be running. But seemingly, from something or someone. But then he/she suddenly stopped. As the moonlight shined on the cloaked person, it showed that it was actually a woman. Her arms were tightly holding a silky red blanket. In that blanket was a small child. A little boy. He was asleep.

The woman looked down at the child and frowned. She was upset about something. She continued running towards a town. She slowly came to a stop when her heel touched the road.

It was very late at night. Streetlights shined on the road ahead of her and crickets can be heard. She walked down the road passing house by house. All the lights were turned off in the houses except one.

She crept beside that house looking through the window. She saw someone sitting down in a chair. A woman to be exact. The woman was crying about something.

The lady outside put the small child in a baby basket and warped the covers around him to stay warm. She set him at the house's doorstep. She attached a letter in there along with a big sack of gold coins. She rung the doorbell and quickly hid beside the house. She saw the door open and the woman who was crying inside step out. And looked at the child. The woman was alarmed to see a baby at her doorstep. The woman bent down and picked up the letter. After a moment of reading the letter, the woman took the small child in her arms. Now the woman started to cry. But in happiness.

"Thank you, God." The woman whispered to herself. She grabbed the basket and took the child and basket inside. The lady outside now started to cry, but she knew she needed to do this. For the sake of the child's life.

She fled the scene, leaving her baby behind.

"Frank! Look what God blessed us with!" The woman inside, with the name Rebecca, woke up her husband.

When he husband saw the child, he was confused and surprised. "Where did you find the child?" He asked curiously.

Rebecca smiled and said, "The doorbell rang and I found him lying on the doorstep in a basket. I don't know what he came from, but I'm sure it was a gift from heaven!"

"That may be true, but we have to inform to the police tomorrow." He spoke with a serious persona.

The wife smile died down a little, but brightened up when she had an idea. "After that's over, can we keep him?" "Rebecca-." "Think about it, Frank. We already have a baby room set up and we have everything we need." She pleaded.

Frank sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Oh, alright." He agreed. The wife jumped in joy. She stared at the little boy with such affection.

Then she handed her husband the letter and money she received from the basket.

Frank read the very brief note that was written in perfect cursive.



I hand you my only child. He's my light, my hope and I can't afford for him to be dimmed by my darkness. He has the name of Hiro Hasashi. I named him after my lover who has left me. Hopelessness seeps deep inside my heart and now I ask of you to protect him. Just please, raise him right in your world. He deserves better than what I can give him.
I left some riches that may benefit his life and possibly yours.

Sincerely, Mileena Kahnum.

Frank looked inside the sack and gasped deeply. Not only we're there gold coins, there was also diamonds. Huge diamonds.

He was just beyond speechless. Rebecca just smiled while rocking the baby back and forth.

Little did either one of them know, he was a child of a demon and half-tarkatan.

A/N: Short chapter, but most definitely going to turn longer.

Also I've been lacking on the chapts bc of a lot of school work. Im dead serious. My teacher gives us a 30 page packet every week and expecting it to be done the very next week so he can give us another one.

Any who, I hoped you enjoyed!! 😁

Lost Flame: Sequel to "Hate to Love"Where stories live. Discover now