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Katara's little brother is a bit of a nuisance.

Here's why....

He appeared before us. "Mulan." He called out bitterly. His dark brown hair swept across his eyebrows, making him look innocent. That was far from true.

He walked up to Katara while still glaring at me. "What is she doing here?" He spat. Katara sighed in frustration. I was unbothered by his hatefulness. I've grown accustomed to it.

"She's family, Lie Jie." Katara stated desperately. Jie scoffed and leaned up against a tree. "You and I both know that she's not our family."

Katara stood up. Anger burned in her eyes. I could tell."What did mother say?" She spoke through gritted teeth. Jie rolled his eyes. His posture was unwavered. "Her parents caused destruction on both of ours. I don't understand why you turn a blind eye to it." I knew exactly what he was doing. I tried to stay as calm as possible. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

To be a year younger than me, he sure is brave.

"Keep that yapping hole shut." I threatened coldly. He chuckled and took a step closer to me. Despite the age difference, he was a few centimeters taller than me. "Just admit it. You and your parents are an outcast to the Royal family." I growled at his remarks, but I kept my composure. "Just run back to your father's shadow, little boy. You do not want to feel what I'm about to do." That must've struck a nerve because his smug look changed into pure anger.

"Your father killed--" "Lie Jie!" The strong authority of Sub-Zero's voice interrupted his next words. We both turned around and saw his father standing with his arms crossed against his chests. I shot Jie another glare before walking away.

"Lie Jie. I must have a word with you," My uncle said. Katara trailed behind me. "Don't listen to him." She started, sitting beside me. I tried to smile. "Its fine."

He always speaks of my father as if he's some kind of monster.

From what I know, he had no reason to hate him.

Katara looked like she was going to say something else. I put my hand up to stop her. "It's okay. I'll just leave. I need to get back to training anyway."

I teleported back inside my room. Lie Jie always got something to say. He say things that I can never understand. How come he acquired more knowledge of the past?

Come on Mulan. He's just trying to get in your head.

I grabbed my katanas from behind my back and placed them on their proper place on my wall.


It was finally the day. Finally the day where I prove myself as a member of the Shirai Ryu.

As I reached closer and closer to the battle ring, I grew anxious. I climbed up the stairs and on one side of the stage.

Takeda hopped on the wooden foundation, smiling ever so mockingly. Gosh, I hate him, (in a good way).

We stroded closer to each other to where we were only 3 feet apart. We bowed traditionally and went back to our post to get into a fighting position.

"Are you ready MuMu?" He taunted, stretching his arms as if I'm going to be light work. He got another thing coming for him.

"As always Takeda." I mimicked his atitude and courtesy bowed. All that was left was my father's word.


As soon the word was sounded, I ran up to Takeda and tried kicking him in the face.

He dodged it and grabbed that leg. He smiled cockily. "Forget it Mulan. I've already won." He taunted. Boy do I love proving him wrong. In mid air I kicked him in the face with my other leg, making myself spin and land on my feet.

Lost Flame: Sequel to "Hate to Love"Where stories live. Discover now