
308 9 13

US, Earthrealm

I jumped back from the mirror, shocked by that creature that stands before me.

There's no way that is me. Is it?

What the hell is going on?! Is this still a dream?

I lifted up my hand, examining how the flame danced on my skin. I slowly walked closer to the sink. The burning man mirrored my actions. With a trembling hand, I touched my face. I expected it to burn but it didn't. 

As I tilted my head, I noticed how dead my eyes looked. I had no pupils!

Suddenly footsteps started to approach the bathroom. Okay now that's a problem.

How do you turn the flames off?

I quickly hid in one of the stalls nearby. The footsteps came closer and closer to the restrooms.

"Hiro. You here bro?" I heard Victor's voice. I felt relief but at the same time I grew a little worried.

What if he sees me like this??

"Um...yeah. Just--uh--ate some really bad curry last night!" I called out. He laughed and started coughing. "Explains why it smells like burnt ass."

I chuckled uneasily, trying my best to cover my ass.

"Alright. We were just a little worried cause you just ran out the class without any warning. I'm going to go back to Mr. Gordan and tell him wassup."

"Yea you do that." I laughed so I wouldn't seem suspicious.

Oh thank god.

When I heard his footsteps disappear in a distance, I finally relaxed. I was actually good. I took a glance at my hands which were gripping the now nonexistent stall walls. Spoke too soon.

The giant fist-sized holes were burnt to crisps, dying the red stalls black.


Well, at least the flames were gone.

I pushed my hand against the door, opening it. My head instantly started hurting. I had horrible migraines when I was younger but none as intense as this one.

My vision grew blurry and everything was doubled. The last thing I remembered was a soft call of a voice. A voice so familiar yet so unrecognizable.

"Hiro..." The woman dragged. Her voice was so soft yet so raspy but she spoke lovingly. Like she meant every word.

"You deserve to be...free."

Once again. Everything went black.




My eyes felt heavy and deciphering that voice was taking a toll on my mind.

"Hiro. Why didn't you take your pills? I told you to take your pills." It was my mom. Always getting on me about how I should take my medicine. It just had to be her.

I finally opened my eyes. A pale face and long brown hair entered my vision, confirming that it was indeed my mother. She was still in her work outfit.

I tried getting up but she forced me back down. The black and red pills were in her hands with the cup of water on standby. "Mom. I don't need it. I'm fine," I tried to tell her. She gave me that look.

"Hiro. The teacher called me saying that you ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom where you fainted. So don't give me none of that." She scolded and put the pill on my tongue.

She got up and handed me the glass of water. "Here drink this. I'll be right back."

I took the glass and prepared myself to chug it down. Something stopped me and I found myself spitting the pills out.

All the events that lead to this moment hit me.

I had fire come out of my hands.


Like. Actual. Fire.

This was amazing!!

I wonder if I can do it again.

I looked down at my hands and concentrated on making the flames appear. Nothing. I tried again. Also nothing.

My mom came back into the room.

I saw a spark dance on my hand. Good thing she was turned around at the time.

"Hiro what did I tell you about not taking your pills. You know how dangerous you--." She paused and looked at me. "...er....your symptoms are when you don't take them."

What was that all about?

"Yea but--." Before I could even start my argument, there was a loud knock on the door. My mother and I exchanged looks before she went back into the living.

I quickly hopped out of bad and trailed behind her.

I watched as she looked through the peephole. She froze.

"Mom..." I called out as a whisper. She turned around. Her eyes were watery and she looked defeated. I haven't seen her this way since...

"What happened here?"

"Three kids have third-degree burns on them. What happened?"

Mom snapped me back to existence when she turned around and opened the door.

A seemingly middle-aged blond woman stepped inside. She was dressed in all black with a hat to top it off.

I saw a badge on her uniform that showed me that she was some form of military.

What would the military want with my mom?

The blond woman looked at me, raising her hat up a little so I could see her green eyes. "Do you know who I am?" She questioned. I was too speechless to answer that question.

"I'm General Sonya Blade and I have a few questions."

Lost Flame: Sequel to "Hate to Love"Where stories live. Discover now