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My eyes open to a swirl of red and white light.

Cars were zooming pass me. Most of them honk their horns at me and rightfully so. I was standing in the middle of the fucking HIGHWAY!

I was barefoot on the bumpy cold road with only my sweatpants on. It was freezing! But that was the least of my worries at the moment.

Especially since that large truck was speeding my way and fast. And I don't think the driver will stop in time.

I glanced around frantically trying to find out an escape from my soon-to-be death. Fortunately, I spotted an ending to the road on the side, leading into a forest and safety. Unfortunately, the only thing I could do was to make a run for it. It was either get hit by a speeding truck or be at risk of getting ran over by cars. I would rather chose the latter.

I hurled my way forward and into the sweet spot of the road.

Bad. Idea.

Cars were swerving around, trying to avoid hitting me.

Before I knew it, a car was right in front of me.

The last thing I saw was blinding light. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact. It never came. I peeked out of one eye. I was met by my white wall in my bedroom. The sheets clung messily on the mattress as if I was there the entire time. My heart was racing as I looked around, searching for anything that was deemed as odd. Luckily, everything seemed to be in there place.

Anyone would be confused. I put my face in my hand and shook my head. This could've all been a dream.

I sighed in relief. Thank god! It was just a dream.

I knew I was lying to myself. Dreams didn't feel that real. I could even remember the strong smell of concrete and sweet pine.

But a stronger scent interrupted my thought process. It smelt of burnt cotton and wool. Almost at the same time, I felt something extremely warm at my feet. I looked down at the edge of my bed and saw fire burning through my blanket.


I got out of the blanket in fear of being burned alive. The fire was rapidly eating its way on the blanket. The only thing I could think of was to go to the bathroom and get water, but I didn't have much time before my entire bed would go up in flames.

I grew frustrated and ran to the kitchen get the fire extinguisher. Why didn't I think of that first? I quickly ran back to the room and prepared to use it. But there was no fire to extinguish. Not even a glimpse of a flame was there. All that was left was half my blanket and a blacken sheet.

Yep, I'm officially going crazy.

All I want is to sleep! Is that too much to ask for?!

Apparently, since there is someone who keeps fucking with me.

What would I say to mom and dad?

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and confusion.

I opened the window to let the smell out. The sun was slowly climbing it's way over the trees outside. I looked at alarm clock. It read 6:38. School started at 7. My luck.

I grabbed the sheets and blankets and threw them into the dumpster. At least the mattress was intact.

I sat on the naked mattress trying to come up with a logical explanation for all of this. Obviously there was a fire. There was no source that caused it and it disappeared on it's own. One minute, I'm on a highway, the next minute, I'm back in my bed.

Lost Flame: Sequel to "Hate to Love"Where stories live. Discover now