A Coffin Your Size(Frerard)

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Gerard's POV:

" Gerard, wake up we're here." My mom shakes me awake. I rub at my eyes tiredly and my brother Mikey yawns loudly beside me. Ma opens the door for me. I grab my bags and stumble out of the car.

The house towers above me, Very proud looking as well as slightly terrifying. I'm alright with that, I love creepy things.

" Cmon Mikes, lets get our stuff inside so we can help Ma." I suggest. Mikey nods, crawling out of the car with his things. I walk towards the house with Mikey following. Ma already unlocked the dark wooded door, so I just nudge it open.

I set my things down on the floor in the front room and hurried back out to grab other bags. Ma was holding up the broken hatch with her head as she struggled to take out the huge suit case. I ran over to her, lifting the hatch off her head. She smiled at me and grabbed the suit case easier, heaving it onto the driveway. Mikey walked over and took the smallest suit case.

I rolled my eyes at the 13 year old and grabbed a bag with my hand that wasn't preoccupied.


I walk up the old stairs to my new room. I've already moved all my bags of shit into it, so I might as well start unpacking. The first back I'll start with is clothes I guess. Dresser is...there so lets hope this stuff'll fit in it.

I unzip the gray duffle bag and empty my shirts, pants, socks etcetera onto the bed. Opening the top drawer, I grab a hand full of shirts and stuff them in messily. I don't give a fuck if it's folded or not I just wanna get this done.

I quickly fill that drawer with shirts and move onto the second drawer. This can be my pajamas and stuff. Handful after handful slowly fills that drawer as well so I finish off by putting my various pairs of black jeans in the bottom drawer.

I lay across the bare mattress, exhausted. Why is it that sleeping all day tends to make you more tired? I mean, I didn't even drive here. In fact I was pretty much dead the whole time. I closed my eyes, arms and legs sprawling out across the mattress. The room is quiet, almost feels as if it's away from the rest of the house. I know Mikey and Ma are probably banging all sorts of things around in their own rooms, unpacking, knowing Mikes he's probably already broken something.

Yet it's still dead silent. It's almost like there's somebody else in here, actually. I can sense the presence, but I know there's nothing there. I swear to God if Mom put us in a house with a dead old guy in it I'll scream. Fuckin' dead old guys are creepy.

That 'somebody's watching me' feeling is pretty annoying. Whatever's fucking around with me better go away. I don't have time for ghosts. Yeah, I love creepy things but doing homework and being the hobbit that I am isn't going to be easy if it feels like something's creeping on me. Damnit.

I shut my eyes tighter. It felt colder in the room, like there was a super strong breeze, except it was still. I feel the goose bumps forming on my now icy skin.

There's suddenly the ghost of a hand wrapping itself around my wrist. I try to cry out, but instead I just heave out air. I struggle, trashing around trying to escape the hand, and the feeling of somebody straddling me and the hands pining my arms down. My fast beating heart seems to start slowing and my exhaustion kicks back in.

I'm suddenly very relaxed, and I fall asleep.

~ ~ ~

There's a dark figure standing a distance away from me. It's small in stature, it's form that of a young male.

" Umm, Hello?" I say, my voice echoing throughout the emptiness of where we are. The figure doesn't reply, only moves foreword slightly.

" Why are you here? Who are you." So, it is a guy. Why is he asking about me?

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