Chapter 6

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What in the shit? Why the fuck am I in the highschool I just was...?

I whirl around and slam into Gerard, who's fumbling with his books that have tumbled from his disaster area of a locker.

" What the Fuck?" I wonder aloud, causing Gerard to jump about 16 feet in the air and drop three text books onto himself. I snort at him and start laughing.

" Dude!" He hisses through clenched teeth, making no move to face me. I roll my eyes at him.

" I didn't zap me here, what the hell happened?" I grumble, leaning against the lockers. Well, I've got a right to be pissy, I was literally torn from one place to be implanted in another.

" What are you talking about?" He mumbles, his face showing his confusion. I scoff and smack him upside the head. Gerard's shoulders jerk up towards his ears.

" I'm talking about-"

" Gerard! Good morning to you!" Lyn-Z comes skipping over, giving Gerard a huge kiss on the cheek. Gerard instantly glows red and grins at her.

" Hey Lyn-Z, where's Bob?" He asks shakily. This fucker. Lyn-Z's bright red lips twist into a small frown.

" Ill. His mom called him in sick today." She sighs, resting her chin on Gerard's shoulder.

Gerard's POV

I can feel Lyn-Z's breath on the side of my neck as she talks. It shoots a tingle through me, starting from the point of pressure from her chin all the way down to my toes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Frank giving her a jealous glare. Seriously, it's like there's little embers of flames igniting behind his eyes.

I nearly choke because that looks is fucking dangerous, especially coming from a ghost who has nothing better to do then haunt my sorry ass. I quickly cover it up as a cough and nudge Lyn-Z off me.

" Oh no, you're not gonna get sick as well! I'll be all alone!" She wails dramatically, walking around and standing on the side Frank is on.

I freeze, staring past her at the rage-filled ghost. His image flickers, but becomes solid again. Too solid.

Slowly, his fingers creep up towards Lyn-Z. Carefully moving up to her arm. His palm looks different then usual, it's brighter, like there's a glow of electricity behind it.

Oh fuck.

I'm about to reach and stop him, but faster then I can blink he slams his hand against her bicep. She lets out a yelp, whole body going rigid in alarm.

Her face shows that there's definitely warning bells going off inside that pretty head of hers.

Behind her, Frank is snickering mischievously. Oh shit, I gotta be concerned now.

" Lyn-Z! Are you alright?" The question comes out naturally. Seriously, what the fuck did he do to her? I reach out and loosely grab her wrist, pulling her closer.

" What happened?" I ask.

" I dunno it felt like something- oh my God!" She squeaks, twisting her arm in my grasp to show me the blossoming hand-shaped bruise on her arm.

" Bloody Hell!" I yelp, examining her arm closer. Lyn-Z looks very concerned. Well, she's got the right. She has a fucking hand-shaped bruise on her arm.

His fingers are long....

" It looks like a h-hand!" She whimpers, holding herself up on my shoulder. Frank walks around her.

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