Chapter 9

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Frank's POV

Okay, being up at 3am is definitely boring as fuck after Gee and Mikes both pass out. Their mom is down after like, 11:40.


Motherfuckers need sleep? I want to sleep, but can I? Nope, because Casper the horny ghost ain't allowed to sleep.

Bitch ass ghost rules.

I bump my head on the wall an groan. Then I snort because nobody can see me and I'm nearly positive if Gerard walked out right now he'd piss himself. Oh my God that would be hilarious.

I roll around so the back of my head rests against the hall rather then my forehead. Jesus you'd think being a ghost would make it easy as fuck to see in the dark.

Nope. So, obviously as I step off into Gerard's room to fuck shit up, I smack into his bookshelf.

" Ow! Motherless whore, Gerard wake the fuck up what the Hell why do you have a bookshelf here how am I supposed to walk. How in the shit did I even walk into that, aren't I supposed to be graceful and float through stuff." I snap, kicking the edge of his bed. Gerard bolts up.

" Frank what the Hell, it's literally-" he pauses to check is phone for the time. "- 3:17am. You asshole, did you come in here to throttle me because I kissed Lyn-Z-" Gerard groans, shoving his hand up his face and into his hair.

Umm, excuse me?

" Sorry- You what? Gerard what the Hell! You fucking- Dude. Okay, maybe I should just go. You know I didn't have to show myself to you- I could have just stayed and talked to Mikey. Wow okay, you know what. This was a mistake I'm- I'm going. Talk to me when you figure this out. Because I'm not about to be a side bitch." I rant, throwing my hands out. Gerard's eyes widen to the size of the moon. I bite my lip and stomp a few times. Before slamming out, punching the wall.

Ignoring Gerard's confused stuttering, I sweep off into Mikey's room.

" Son of a god damn motherfucking cunt ass bitch." I hiss, yanking the covers off Mieky's bed. Mikey sat up, blinking blearily and tucking on his glasses. I fume, feeling my eyes start glowing.

Wait, my eyes do that?

Yes, they do. I can see the lights reflecting off the pale gray walls.


" Frank? Oh shit, what did he do? Come here. Sit." I quietly sat cross legged with Mikey. He slouches but still somehow looks professional.

" He kissed that Lyn-Z girl. I dunno it's dumb but I though since we-"

" Brother." He interrupted quickly in attempt to shield his mind from Gerard-fondling images. I smirk and nod.

" I'm sorry, Frank. I really am. Do you want me to talk to him?" Mikey's calm voice makes me sigh. I sniffle and nod. He cracks a rare smile.

" If anyone can persuade a motherfucker, it's me. " He giggles. I snort and bump shoulders with him.

" So how was Ray?" I ask, laying sown fully beside Mikey. He lifts the blankets for me,I'm assuming to make me feel better about being a lost soul. It comes to a surprise when is settles in little bumps over my legs. Hm.

" He's...great. He plays guitar and stuff, and he listens to good music. Oh God, his fucking arms- I can't. " Mikey gushes, nearly swooning. I grin at him.

" You guys friends yet? Any benefits?" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. Mikey rolls his eyes.

" Friends, yeah. I think. I dunno, he probably thinks I'm some dumb kid and hangs out with me outta pity. But goddamn I wish there were benefits. " He sighs, flopping his head down on his pillow. I nod, because I've seen Ray ( at least what Mikey sees him as through his head but shshsh he doesn't know I stride around in there) and yeah. Ray's an attractive dude.

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