Chapter 7

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I grudgingly slip downstairs, sulking. Mom's standing at the foot of the stairs with her hip popped out slightly and fire behind her eyes. Here we go.

" So, how is Lyn-Z? I didn't realize I raised a forceful asshole! Explain yourself right now." She seethes, prodding her finger into my chest sternly. I sigh and drop my head.

" I didn't hurt her, mom. " Her eyes narrow in a near comical manor, making me inch back slightly.

" Was it one of them other boys? Did they hurt her? She's a sweet girl-"

You could hear a snort from somewhere. Looks like Frank disagrees with that.

"-doesn't deserve that." I shook my head no. Mom huffed.

" A week. A week. How are you gonna-"

" Mikey's bringing my homework back." I interrupt. She sets her jaw and nods curtly. Without another word she stalks past me upstairs.

The thudding of her foot steps are followed by the harsh snap of her bedroom door closing.

Fuck me.

I run back upstairs before like, the fuckin' government appears and arrests me for losing my sweatshirt on a tube that one time and they thought it was a bomb. Or something.

I round the corner off the steps and walk the short distance to my bedroom. The door's slightly ajar so I just sorta step through. My arm hits the door handle, making me swear and close the door with my foot.

Ow, why didn't I just open it I'm so dumb...

I can feel Frank in the room. He's totally sitting on my dresser or something. Cross legged with a smug little smirk on his face.

God, he's a cunt.

" That's not very nice, now is it Gerard?" Frank's cocky voice rang out. It echoes a little, which is only kinda weird. Fuckin' ghost tricks.

" I am beyond pissed at you. Lyn-Z probably thinks I'm some freaky asshole. What? Do you want me to be a loser? " I snap, shutting my eyes. Frank snorts.

" No, you already did that for me, sweetheart," Frank replies, saying the term of endearment like an insult. I huff, throwing a book across the room. Frank snickers, throwing the lamp I had on my dresser. Had.

He's a surprisingly good shot seeing as it slams into my crotch. I yelp, clutching my stomach.

" Ow! You fuck," I growl, shooting a glare at the spot the lamp was throw from. Frank laughs, appearing on the edge of my bed.

I glower at him, inching nearer. The smirk playing on his lips is that of a trickster. Frank skirts his thumb across his bottom lip, tossing me a hellish glare.

" Thought you could just ditch me for Lyn-Z? Hm? That you could just sweep me under the rug with a girlfriend? " He seethes, standing and flashing in front of me. My pulse quickened in fear. Honestly, is this a deleted scene from The Conjuring?

I scoff, rolling my eyes and beginning to pull some lame excuse out of my ass. Frank cuts me off by grabbing my bicep. I cry out, his hand is scalding. It burns into my skin, like an unfortunate slip of a hair straightener.

" Frank!" I yelp, trying to wrench myself from his grasp. His hand only tightens, burning growing more unbearable. I thrash about, trying desperately to get away.

" Fucking thought so." Frank spat, throwing my arm away from him. And with an angry pop, he's gone. I spring up, clutching my arm and sprinting to the bathroom.

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