Chapter 2

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Rainbow dash was bored just sitting on her favourite cloud and has nothing to do. Usually Rainbow dash would just play with her changeling friends. When Rainbow dash was very young, she was taken away from her real parents by Queen Chrysalis but Rainbow Dash didn't know that.
Rainbow Dash: "urgh I'm so bored. nothing to do". then her friend Thorax came to see what was wrong with Rainbow Dash.
Thorax: "hey Rainbow whats wrong"
Rainbow Dash: "hey Thorax. nothing I'm just bored of the same old thing everyday. I wanna do something different" Rainbow dash said then Thorax had an idea.
Thorax: "I know why don't we explore the Everfree forest? I've never really been there before" said Thorax feeling happy about his idea. Usually his ideas were kinda boring but exploring the Everfree forest, that got Rainbow Dash really excited (everyone is a filly at first)
Rainbow Dash: "that sounds awsome let's go" and with that the two friends ran towards the entrance to the Everfree forest. Rainbow dash doesn't know how to fly yet. Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends entered the forest they were still a bit scared but as as they stay on the path, they won't get themselves lost.
Fluttershy: "I'm scared I don't like the dark"
Applejack: "don't worry sugarcube as long as we stay together, we won't get lost. hey where's twilight?
all: "TWILIGHT" they shouted as they were wondering where twilight went. Twilight didn't stop walking then she realised she lost sight of her friends. Then she heard somepony walking just ahead of her. Twilight started to panic and she was running or galloping. A few seconds later she bumped into something or somepony.
Rainbow dash: "ow hey watch it"
Twilight: "I'm sorry I didn't see.... you....there. wow".
*starts to play the song I want to know what love is*. Rainbow dash and Twilight both blushed when they saw eachother and when they started into eachothers eyes, it was like time stood still.
to be continued....

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