Chapter 8

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Rainbow dash wanted to talk to Chrysalis for what she did and because of her, Rainbow dash will never see Twilight ever again.
Rainbow dash: "what the hell was that? destroying the castle and you got me banned from canterlot"
Chrysalis: "Rainbow dash so nice of you to come back. let's celebrate our victory" Chrysalis was sick (in a bad way) and Rainbow dash didn't want to be part of her anymore.
Rainbow dash: "NO. I don't want to be part of this anymore okay? I quit *smack*
Chrysalis: "how dare you defy me get out of my castle and never return"
Rainbow dash: "glad to" and with that she flew to the Everfree forest to be on a cliff ledge and think about everything and because of she cried.
Meanwhile back at the castle, Twilight was crying after her talk with Celestia. a few hours past and Twilight had an idea, she opened her window quietly so that no one could hear and then she flew off towards the Everfree forest.
*Twilight and Rainbow dash start singing love will find a way*
then Twilight found Rainbow dash and had tears of joy and so did Rainbow dash. They hugged eachother tightly for a good few minutes and then they gave eachother a passionate kiss until they let go.
Rainbow dash: "Twilight I...I...I love you"
Twilight: "I love you to" then she kissed rainbow dash passionately.
Then they heard an army of changelings fly to the castle and guess who the leader is yep you guessed it Queeb Chrysalis and without hesitation, they flew fast towards the castle
Rainbow dash: "Twilight I want you and your friends safe I don't want in this fight. I'll fight Chrysalis"
Twilight: "no this is my fight as well if your gonna fight with Celestia then I will to and my friends" Twilight kissed Rainbow dash for a few seconds and let go.
Rainbow dash: "okay this is our fight but we're gonna need a bit of help".
to be continued....

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