Chapter 6

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Rainbow dash: "stand back or do you want to get get killed? Rainbow dash said to Twilight whilst protecting her.
Twilight: "oh okay" then Rainbow dash was fighting the Timberwolves off and eventually they ran off whimpering like little puppies. Rainbow dash however was exhausted from the fighting. She walked up towards Twilight who was holding her wing because her wing was sprained.
Rainbow dash: "whats a princess like you doing out here? you could've been killed"
Twilight: "I could've fight them myself thank you very much" said Twilight sternly.
Rainbow dash: "your welcome. your wing is hurt let me help. there and there. you just sprained you wing but you should stay on the ground until your wing is better" Rainbow dash was good at first-aid always has been.
Twilight: "th.. thank you (blushed) whats your name?" Twilight recognised this pegasus from somewhere but didn't know her name.
Rainbow dash: "my name is Rainbow dash"
Twilight: "Rainbow dash? *gasp* Rainbow dash it's me Twilight we met when we were fillies" Twilight was happy that she saw Rainbow dash again it had been years when they first met.
Rainbow dash: "Twilight? *gasp* i can't believe it's you and my you look awsome. you got wings" Rainbow dash and Twilight hugged eachother tightly and when looked at eachother, they blushed when they stared into eachother's eye's and once again it was like time itself stopped. Then they heard Celestia fly towards them.
Celestia: "Twilight what are you doing here with this pony?" Twilight was told to get behind her but Rainbow dash said
Rainbow dash: "listen I'm not going to attack you or anything I was thrown out of the kingdom I'm from so please can I stay with you?" Celestia was sure she was lying but she took the risk of letting her stay Rainbow dash was quite the whole way of going back to the castle. remember the mission Rainbow dash doing? to be honest, she didn't want to do it everyone was so nice but Twilight was beautiful. Twilight asked what was wrong.
Twilight: "Rainbow dash whats wrong?"
Rainbow dash: "can tell you something in private?" they were visiting ponyville where her friends lived before they moved to canterlot where they now live. Twilight nodded as her response.
Rainbow dash: "I've never known my real parents. Queen Chrysalis said she found me and took me in as one of her own and I didn't have any friends. then I met this cool changeling named Thorax he and became good friends few years later he and I wondered off into the Everfree forest to explore and that's eleven I met you. ever since I couldn't stop thinking about you. years later I'm older as you can see but I spent most of my days training. I'm on a mission and it's to start a war between you and the changelings so that Queen  Chrysalis can take over Equestria and I don't want to be part of it no way".
to be continued....

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