Chapter 10

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Chrysalis: "you wanna fight? let's fight" Rainbow dash and Queen Chrysalis were against eachother to the death until Chrysalis got hold of princess Twilight which everyone to stop and Rainbow dash had to choose either Rainbow dash surrenders or she she kills Twilight. Rainbow dash or Twilight.
Chrysalis: "what do you say Rainbow crash? are you going to surrender?"
Rainbow dash: "I won't surrender. but kill me instead" say whaaaat? Rainbow dash was going to sacrifice herself to save everypony even Twilight was shocked and scared of losing Rainbow dash she can't let that happen.
Twilight: "no I won't let you sacrifice yourself to save us" Twilight was crying really hard after everything Twilight and Rainbow dash have been through, she can't lose the love of her life. they've been through so much like the first time they met as fillies and they fell in love at first sight, the time where they reunited after for so many years apart, their first kiss. All that was gonna go away.
Rainbow dash: "I have to Twilight it's my duty this is all my fault I'm the one who started all of this and I'm gonna finish it" then Rainbow dash gives Twilight a kiss to make her feel safe.
Chrysalis: "enough with the mushy stuff I'm gonna kill you Twilight Sparkle" just as Chrysalis was about to take Twilight down, she was protected by her friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash and with the magic of friendship and love they were able to defeat Chrysalis and her changelings and we're sent to Tarterus (you know from the mlp series Tarterus? I don't know how to spell it lol 😅) and everyone cheered for their victory in defeating Queen Chrysalis.
Applejack: "wohoo we did it guys"
Pinkie pie: "we should do a celebration party" Pinkie pie was bouncing in excitement mostly for the party bit. everypony agreed.
Celestia stia: "I can't thank you enough for what you did for us Rainbow dash"
Rainbow dash: "oh it was nothing really and I'm sorry for causing all this in the first" Rainbow dash was feeling ashamed of herself for starting the battle in the first place.
Celestia: "it's not your fault don't worry about" Celestia gave Rainbow dash a hug. Rainbow dash was feeling good about herself. she saw Twilight and her friends running towards her.
Pinkie pie: "group hug everypony"
Rainbow dash: "Pinkie I can't breathe your hugging me too tight *breathes heavily*"
Pinkie pie: "oops sorry I do that alot" everypony laughed at Pinkie pies silliness that's why everypony loves Pinkie pie.
Rainbow dash: "where's Twilight?" Rainbow dash looked around to see where Twilight was.
Twilight: "I'm right here silly" Twilight hugged Rainbow dash from behind she pulled away and kissed her right there. Everypony said "awww" as they kissed slow but passionately. They parted and leaned their foreheads on eachother then Princess Celestia came towards them. Twilight hugged Princess Celestia and she hugged back.
Celestia: "Rainbow dash, thank you for almost risking your life to save us we are extremely greatful"
Rainbow dash: "thanks Princess Celestia but I didn't do it on my own I did have help my friend Thorax helped and is army"
Thorax: "nice to meet you your majesty and your welcome" Thorax said bowing down to Princess Celestia and to be honest he's never met a princess before except Princess Twilight.
Rainbow dash: "Thorax has been my friend ever since we were little we would help out eachother" Rainbow dash and Thorax gave eachother a high five (or hoofbump into forgot what it's called XD)
Rainbow dash: "oh don't know where to go now"
Thorax: "I would let you stay with me Rainbow dash but I have no room in my kingdom sorry" Thorax was feeling sorry for his friend Rainbow dash.
Rainbow dash: "nah that's alright I can always find a place"
Twilight: "why don't you stay here in canterlot with me?" Twilight thought it would be a great idea if Rainbow dash lived with her in the castle and they will be together.
Rainbow dash: "really?" said Rainbow dash surprised.
Celestia: "of course you can the more the merier" Celestia wanted to tell something to Twilight.
Celestia: "Twilight do you love Rainbow dash?" Twilight didn't know where this conversation was going.
Twilight: "yes I do very much. why? are asking me to be with her? " Celestia nodded and Twilight was so happy she ran to Rainbow dash and hugged her then she kissed her. ever since that day Rainbow dash and Twilight have been together through thick and thin, good times and bad and I'll tell you something true love can exist in anyone even the baddest of people.
                          THE END

Wohoo! finished the story this chapter was longer than the other chapters lol. anyway I hope you enjoyed this story. I'll do more in the future see you soon bye.

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