Chapter 5

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years later...
Ever since Twilight was a filly she couldn't stop thinking about Rainbow dash. most of the time she would try and sneek out but she got caught and over time she stopped and now that Twilight is older, it looks like she's forgotten about Rainbow dash and she became an alicorn. Right now Twilight is going to the Throne room to see Princess Celestia.
Twilight: "I'm here. you wanted to see me Celestia? said Twilight wondering what Celestia wanted to talk to Twilight about.
Celestia: "I want to meet flash sentry. he's one of the royal guards at the crystal empire".
Flash: "it's good to see you Princess Twilight" said Flash bowing to Princess Twilight but Twilight wasn't really interested in Flash. For some unknown reason whilst she sleeps, Twilight keeps seeing images of a certain pegasus but she doesn't know it is.
Twilight: "Celestia, I'm going to go for a walk I'll be back later, is it okay if I go in the Everfree forest?" said Twilight.
Celestia: "okay flash will go with you"
Twilight: "no no I can go by myself thanks and if I get in trouble I can always teleport myself out" said Twilight. she is willing to go on her own she doesn't want Flash sentry to go with her no no no. sure a princess is supposed to have somepony accompany them but not Twilight she's fine by herself
Celestia: "okay don't be too long" and with that Twilight ran all the way to Everfree forest. Meanwhile, Rainbow dash is with Queen Chrysalis she has an important mission.
Chrysalis: "now remember what you learned in training?"
Rainbow dash: "yes I do your majesty"
Chrysalis: "good remember your mission?"
Rainbow dash: "yes your majesty"
Chrysalis: "great now off you go" Rainbow dash was on a mission and her mission was to get closer to Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia so she and the changeling can fight against the canterlot ponies so that Queen Chrysalis can take over Equestria. sadly Rainbow dash remembers Twilight but she hasn't seen her for years but she doesn't care as for Thorax, well Thorax became good and started his own Kingdom and he was happy with that.
Twilight was wondering about in the Everfree forest until she growling. It was a Timberwolf.
Twilight: "ahhhhhh a Timberwolf somepony help me" Twilight screamed as she ran more deep into the woods but then she slipped and hurt her wing. Twilight thought she wasn't going to get out of this but then somepony came to rescue her and no it wasn't Flash sentry, it was Rainbow dash.
to be continued....

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