Chapter 3

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Twilight and Rainbow dash were staring into eachother's eyes for a few minutes until Twilight broke the silence.
Twilight: "erm... hi my name is Twilight sparkle. what's your name? Twilight said still blushing she hoped that Rainbow dash didn't see her red face but she did.
Rainbow dash: "oh err sorry. my name is Rainbow dash" just then they heard somepony calling Twilight. 
Princess Celestia: "Twilight what are you doing out here? you shouldn't be out here". Then Celestia heard an unexpected visitor one of her enemy Queen Chrysalis.
Queen Chrysalis: "well well well. if it isn't princess Celestia. so how's your pathetic Kingdom?" Chrysalis said mocking Princess Celestia and she is getting annoyed.
Princess Celestia: "don't you mock me Chrysalis you have no right to do that" Princess said getting ready to fight but there is no point.
Queen Chrysalis: "hahaha I but I do have the right because I'm a Queen and your just a princess a pathetic one to be infact" Chrysalis said laughing her evil laugh Twilight and Rainbow dash were a little shocked and confused.
Queen Chrysalis: "now if you don't mind I have some unfinished business to attend to come on Rainbow dash you to Thorax you haven't heard the last of this Princess" and with that she flew away with Rainbow dash on her back. Twilight didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
Princess Celestia: "Twilight, you and will have a chat when we get back to the castle understand?" Celestia said in a serious voice.
Twilight: "yes princess Celestia I understand"
to be continued....

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