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Jungkook POV

We planned another break in. It was just like any other break in but I had a feeling in my gut that something was gonna happen.
"Hey Jungkook, are you okay? You keep spacing out. Nothing will happen. Besides it's 7am. What could happen?" Jin hyung asked me before we left. It was like he could read my mind and know everything I was thinking.
"I'm okay Jin hyung. Don't worry. I just went blank so nothing to worry about. Plus I'm not worrying about today." I replied back calmly. I was always great at lying.
"Alright. If you say so kookie." Jin hyung was always the most caring out of our gang. If you don't know who we are read ahead. We are BTS. One of the biggest gangs in Seoul. I'm Jungkook, the maknae of the group. I might seem innocent but trust me I'm not. I'm especially skilled in martial arts.
Next we have Taehyung, the alien of the group. He's amazing with computers and always cares for the members.
Then there's Jimin, the shortie. He's adorable but is amazing with guns.
He's super supportive and pretty strong even if he's really short.
J-Hope, the literal ball of sunshine. He's amazing in martial arts like me. He always manages to make everyone smile in any situation.
Then there's Namjoon aka Rap Monster. We only call him that cause he can rap. Anyways he's great at destroying literally everything. So we trust he uses his God Of Destruction powers to destroy our enemies.
Suga. The cold hearted knife thrower.
He always says he doesn't care about anyone or anything except for his knifes and sleep.
Lastly, Jin the mom of the group. He's great with medicine since he trained to be a doctor. He's skilled with computer systems.
Anyways now that we finished the boring part aka introductions, lets continue the story. We got in the van and started to drive to the most popular cafes since their would be more 'innocent' people that could die. We found a Starbucks at the corner of the street and thought it was perfect to destroy.
"Lets go. C'mon let's break the glass and ruin someone's day." Tae hyung explained.
We broke the glass making a loud crash.


We walked in until were about to yell until we saw two girls trying to empty the shop of any other people. Me and Jimin walked over and put our guns against their heads.
"P-please don't h-hurt is. We won't tell anyone about this. I swear." One of the girls replied back.
"Now, Now. We can't trust you. I mean it's not like I trust anyone anyway. So I'll give you two options either you give your money willingly and I'll let you and everyone else here live or you die and you watch all the people die and I'm telling you I love to make people suffer." I whispered in their ears. I saw one of the girls turn around and my expression changed completely. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was it really her?
"BTW, you said you don't trust anyone yet I'm pretty sure you trust the rest of the guys standing behind you." She said right to my face. I got pissed.
"You still didn't choose an option and since you pissed me off I'm gonna give you 1 minute to decide for your life or everyone else's." I said through clenched teeth.
She tried to trick me by pushing me against the wall. I tried to resist but I ended up getting lost in her eyes. I then felt the two cold knifes slip away from me and reality hit me in the face.
"You think I don't know what your doing. Trying to take my weapons away from me by seducing me. That's low but what's worse is that I almost fell for it Rose." I spoke back while smirking.
She froze.
She took the knife and pushed it against my neck almost immediately.
"And what if Rose isn't my name. To be honest I don't think I've ever met someone named Rose." She spat back. I knew this was her.
" 30 seconds till someone dies. You decide if everyone lives or dies." I started to rant about how I wanted people to suffer. The other girl was a pretty good fighter.
"Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock. Times running out." I spat.
"STOP!!" Rose screamed getting my immediate attention.
"Get out of my head!" I saw tears roll down her checks as she fell to the ground. I took the chance to run away from her since I knew we wouldn't be able to kill one person today.
"Rose! Rose! C'mon not now! Stay calm okay just breathe." The girl started talking to her but I didn't pay attention to that since I was concentrated on running away.
"No your not getting away yet!" She screamed me at me while I was running.
She started to chase after us until she realized we were to fast. I saw her run back to Starbucks and help everyone. We all sat back into the van and drove off.
"Hey kook, how did you know that girl back at the coffee shop?" Suga questioned me.
"I.. okay so she used to be my best friend when we were kids until I had to move to Korea because of my stupid ass father but turns out that her father had abused her and he got arrested but died like two years later." I explained.
"She also got in an accident the same year and had amnesia because of it. That was why she doesn't remember me. Also because of my mask. If your wondering how I know this, it's because I had a friend watch out for her but I shot him in the face since she was in an accident." The words just fell out of my mouth.
"Okay wait aren't those two the girls we have to investigate the crime that we committed with?!" Jimin blurted out.
"Oh no. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening!" I started to panic because she isn't stupid and she might end up finding out who we are.
"Guys don't worry. If she finds out we'll deal with her just like the rest." Namjoon said with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah. Well deal with her somehow." I replied back.
I studied the files for the case. They were definitely about us. I went to change into my pj's and did my night routine. I was about to sleep until I remembered Rose. The first love of my life will probably find out who I am and hate me forever.

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