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Jisoo POV
I locked my room door and started contacting EXO. That's right. I'm against BTS and their lame gang. Lisa, Jennie and Rose are too. You're probably wondering why we hate them so much. Well 3 years before Rose and Jennie met them, we went on a mission assigned by our leader. The thing was we didn't know BTS would be there to. They ended up taking all the money after some guards beat us up. They didn't even notice we were there. It pissed me off how if one gang member just merely lost his balance for one second everyone in the gang would run to help them. But they can't see 4 girls laying on the floor slowly bleeding out.
This is my revenge. They hurt me and my family, then I'll hurt them twice as hard. Hey I get it. They saved Roses life. Twice. But they left all 4 of us to die. Rose and Jennie managed to keep their positions in the police force for years. No one did a very thorough background check.

I was about to text them what had happened so far until I noticed a red light beeping in the corner. I acted as if I didn't see it. But I started hacking into the house system and tried to cut the power for a bit so that I could take it off of my wall. As soon as the power turned off I heard someone scream. I just tried ignoring it and took the camera off the wall. But I didn't notice two glowing yellow dots in the darkness.

Namjoon POV

"She fell for it." Jin said through the coms system.

"So did Lisa, Jennie and Rose." Suga said.

Jhope was getting the knock out gas ready in the lab. Suga was getting all our weapons ready and Jin was making sure V was okay.

You might be a bit confused on why V is having a mini panic attack. He was sleeping but woke up and the power went out. He screamed and Jin had to make sure he was okay. He couldn't stay in that room because he had to follow the mission. V ended up finding out that Lisa is on the other side but can't believe it.

We were sick of everyone lying to us. I mean like everyone we ever cared about has lied. We all didn't want Tae to get hurt but Lisa caused too much damage. I grabbed the file for Got7 and Blackpink. Jin put them both in his hands.

"Read the 2. First read about Got7's allies and then read the file on Blackpink. It'll make sense Tae. I'm sorry but that girlfriend of yours may not have loved you. She could've at the start but all of this, and the way she's treating you is just for a mission. A mission to kill us. They lied to us for months. Yet we couldn't see through it. I know you feel like your being stabbed in the back and you might not even believe me but that girl isn't going to save us. In fact she could be the end of us along with the rest of them." I explained. Jin frowned at the thought.

They could've been contacting EXO just to discuss some plan to kill us.

Jungkook and Jimin has gone out to find party supplies for Rose's birthday. I know. We shouldn't throw her a party and stuff but I wanted one last happy memory with them before we kill them. And it's final. They're gonna be dead sooner rather then later. I saw a notification on my phone and read the text from the 2.

Hey hyung. Do you guys need anything from the store? You might wanna tell us now cause I don't wanna go back to the store today❤️

I smiled at what Jungkook wrote. He was caring and I hated to see him get hurt. Even when he was a kid, me and Jin always protected him from all those threats outside and we trained him to be the best. He might not seem like it but he's way too compassionate. It's his strength and his weakness. He stays loyal to you but once he gets betrayed it takes a while for him to believe it's true.

It's okay Kookie. We don't need anything. Tell Jimin that you guys can go to the arcade and stay out for a while. Just be back before 11.

I was waiting for their response but was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Hey guys? The powers out and we can't fix it. Sooo can you help?" Lisa spoke through the door. I looked over at Tae. He was so fucking angry.

Just when Jin was about to speak, V interrupted. "Yeah we got it. Just stay in your rooms and the power should be back on in about 15 minutes." He spoke calmly. He looked emotionless but I could feel that he was heartbroken. He loved her and she just stabbed him in the back.

I got another notification on my phone. I checked what Jhope had sent me.

Everything is ready in the lab. Just give me the signal and I'll start phase 2.

"Are we ready to go?" I whispered.

Everyone nodded their heads.

Go ahe-

I was texting Jhope back when the door burst open. There was a whole army of soldiers outside with guns pointed towards us.

"Drop your weapons and put your hands up! Now!"

Oh shit. We're too late...

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