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Rose POV
I woke up in my old room at the dorm. It was completely different. There was glass shattered, all my clothing was thrown around, there were my blades in the wall, but what scared me the most was the pool of blood on the ground. Then I looked at my blades  and saw an untouched one with bright blood still dripping from it. The others had a sticky, dried up feeling but this was from a new cut.
Someone was here and they found the blades so they must've gotten a cut when trying to tear my walls down with small kitchen knifes and razors.
Fear took over my body when I heard the door open. I kept a poker face on while glaring at Jungkook who had just walked in. He tried apologizing but every time he said those words I was reminded of my father.
He noticed this and immediately shut his mouth when he noticed the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Save it. I don't want to hear your lies. I mean anything you have said to me was a filthy lie. I remembered you from my childhood and I remembered that one time you saved me from jumping off the cliff to my death. That's right I remember you and I'm shocked that that is the same person I'm talking to right now. You kill people because it's fun for you yet you work as a cop who tries to stop crime. You betrayed my trust and broke whatever I was before. You turned me into a cold hearted monster and I can't go back to being innocent and caring all because of you." I shouted while trying to not shatter him more. I stopped there and walked out pushing him down at the same time. I told them to move out of my way when I saw Jennie sitting on the couch with dried tears staining her cheeks.
"You both aren't going anywhere. We need to talk now." Rap Monster spoke calmly but I could tell he was trying not let his rage out and break everything he saw.
"Why should I listen to you, huh? After everything you've done you expect me to listen to you?!" I exclaimed. He nodded his head towards Suga and he walked closer to me. I didn't move. He tried to punch me but I blocked it. Same thing with all his other moves. It wasn't until he did a headlock and killed me almost that I decided was a great time to twist his arm back until he screams. When I did that he almost passed out. I earned a glare from J-hope. Taehyung then tried to stop me but I told him,
"You saw what I did to him and you all have no idea what I could do to hurt you. Now give me Jennie and let me go." I spoke coldly. I was pissed. It was pretty obvious.
"Let her go. We just wanna talk. We won't hurt you." Jin replied. They then let Jennie go from the couch.
"Right, like you wouldn't kill me in my sleep. I honestly want to trust you but won't ever. You probably already know what happened to me as a child so you know why I honestly hate you all right now. If you stopped killing, I could at some point give you all a second chance but not now." They were all shocked at what I said. They started to feel hopeful in earning my trust.
"R-really? You would t-trust us again if w-we stopped k-killing?" Jungkook asked while wiping his tears away. I nodded my head and I saw Jennie smile at my reaction. She was happy until she found out that she liked Jimin after they realized who they were.
"Wait, how will we cover this up with the police station? Since you guys now know who we are, we need a cover up. Which group of seven boys should we use?" Jimin asked and I started smirking. Suga gave me a questioning look.
"Who is one of your enemy groups that has seven boys in it?" I asked. They still couldn't figure it out. "Got7, dumbasses. We just need a plan to lure them and bam we arrest them. I can change the sample analysis thing again so that we can set you guys free." I had the perfect plan. I started to discuss the plan and it was ready.
First we would lure them to an abandoned building and make sure that backup is disguised as normal citizens passing. The trick we would use was money. I learnt this group valued money more then their own members.
Next we would get them to a room, start discussing the money and then boom they're caught. They are a gang and deserve to be in jail but so does BTS.
Anyways we were about to sleep until I started to feel super dizzy all of a sudden. I started to see black spots and blurry faces and soon I was trapped in darkness.
Jungkook POV
All the members got worried but couldn't stay awake for very long.
I carried Rose to her room but stopped in front of the room when I remembered.
I ruined everything. She saw the blade with my blood in it.
I took her to my room and checked the time. It was 6am. I checked her temperature and her head was burning hot. She was also sweating and her breathing started to fade. I quickly checked her pulse and it was so faint that you could barely feel it.
She was dying. I don't know how but she was. I couldn't lose her again. I yelled for someone to help and saw Namjoon run in and call the hospital. Jin checked her pulse and panicked. Soon everyone was worried about her but when I saw Jennie, she was pissed. I saw her stomach and saw the blood stain she had. Jin noticed this and checked the cuts to see how deep she cut. They were deep enough to put her in a coma or worse. Death. The ambulance had shown up after five minutes.
They took her away and me and Jennie both went in the ambulance with her. She was already crying while I was angry at myself. Why didn't I stop her sooner? I couldn't handle the anger and was about to blow until they took her away into the operating room. I filled out the sheet while Jennie was crying into Jimin's shirt. I was about to ask Jennie about her parents but realized that they died already. I was so scared about what would happen to Rose.
~~~~TIME SKIP 5 HOURS~~~~~
Taehyung POV
5 hours later and the doctor came out of the room.
"You are all very lucky. This girl is a fighter. Something brought her back from a near death experience. She is unfortunately in a coma. We predict that she will wake up soon. Perhaps two weeks or so and she should wake up. That was all." We all started to thank him for helping us by keeping her alive. I don't want Rose to die. She is my best friend. At least in front of her I can be myself and not a killer.
Suga POV
Damn, she's strong. I mean first she almost killed us all and almost broke my arm but now she came back from the brink of death. I honestly feel like I know why she cuts. Maybe because she thinks that she looks weak in front of us when in reality we think she is one of the strongest people we have met. I mean, that was one of the reasons I cut myself before I met BTS.
Imma make this book have one to many cliffhangers.....lol. Well comment what you thought about the chapter.
Imma publish chapters every Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday just saying. Bye people...

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