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It's been 7 months since Rose was in a coma and she started getting her memory back. She did have nightmares about BTS killing her but she ignored it. Who knows if Rose will remember everything? I don't. Oh wait I do. Hehehe
Rose POV
"Ohhhhh people. I is back. Miss me?" I yelled once I arrived back from the mall. I could finally wear sweatpants and baggy shirts after forever. Let me explain. It all started on Sunday of last week. First we had to attend award show because BTS entered a singing competition. I was so happy when they won first place for best aspiring artists of the year. Monday they had a fan meet and they basically dragged there with them. Tuesday was another debriefing for the second case we had. Wednesday was a cleaning day and by cleaning day I mean we are all forced by Jin to clean the house. He does work hard enough already so I didn't argue when he and Namjoon left the house the whole day. Thursday was a music video shoot for their new song DNA. I gotta say it was pretty amazing. It was funny when we all made fun of Jimin's parts. Jungkook and I laughed our asses off when V imitated him. Jennie saw the pout on his face and I made a wtf face. She did laugh eventually and I couldn't stop. Friday was another organization day for me since I have to share a room with the golden maknae. He makes a mess wherever but he was nice enough to help me. By the end of that day we just ended up playing with Pokèmon's. Today was Saturday and I went to the mall. It was finally September and BTS was going to release their video in two days. I changed my clothes but I realized something. Nobody was awake. I checked the time and it was only 2 in the afternoon. All the girls were up and got scared when I walked up to them.
"What happened? Why are you all staring at me like I'm crazy? I just came back from the mall. I got you guys stuff." I felt really creeped out by the way they were acting.
"Oh. It's nothing. We've just seen you in jeans all weak and it seems different when your wearing sweatpants. Cool, what did you get from the mall?" They answered. I was relieved when they were okay and that they didn't think I was a serial killer or something.
"Anyways, do you guys wanna prank the other child's in this house? Cause I do. I'm thinking I 'pass out' and you guys cry over me and call the guys over. They'll panic and it'll be hilarious. What do you guys think?" I asked. They all agreed and we were gonna prank them in 15 minutes. It's time to take my revenge. All the guys have been keeping something from me and they hit me in the face with whipped cream for no reason. I've been planing this all week. It is finally time to execute the plan.
Time skip
Jisoo POV
15 minutes later we all got ready. Me, Jennie and Lisa all put in contacts and fake tears. We messed our hair up and it seemed like we had actually cried. Damn, Lisa was amazing with makeup. The boys were asleep the entire day. I told them that staying up until 4 am was a bad idea. They still didn't listen. One time I couldn't sleep because they were so loud. I mean comedies are supposed to make you laugh but you don't need to be crazy and loud.
Rose had laid down on the couch and looked super pale. She basically looked dead. I went to Jungkook's room and woke him up.
"Jungkook. Wake up please. Rose is in trouble. I don't know if she's alive or dead." I got no answer. "JEON JUNGKOOK! IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS, YOU WILL RISK ROSE'S LIFE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I screamed finally getting his attention.
"Jisoo? What are you doing in my room? And why are you yelling at me? Did something happen to Rose?" He asked me question after question after question. I just agreed and told him that me and the two other girls left to the movies and when we came back, she was passed out on the couch. I did see a bottle but I couldn't read it since it was torn to shreds. Man I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they learn the truth. I was hoping that Rose was doing good. She was pretty good at acting. It was her dream to act in movies when she was a kid.
Jungkook basically sprinted out of the room and went closer to Rose. He cried like there was no tomorrow. There was a pool of blood on the floor. Weird, I don't remember anything about blood.
The rest of the members walked in and almost screamed. They cried with Jungkook and were about to yell at us. I never saw them cry before. Every single time I worked with them in robberies, they were cold blooded killers. Wait, you guys don't know? Let me explain. Me and Lisa are criminals like BTS. We worked with them for years until Jungkook came. That was when they went dark. I didn't hear much about them after until now at least. They saved our lives and we saved theirs.
"What did you three do? Why does she have the heroine bottle out again? Where were you guys when this happened? Do you have any idea what that drug will do to her memories? She's still in recovery. You realize that, right?" Namjoon asked us calmly. He was trying to bottle up his anger. It was so obvious.
"Us three left to the movies and when we came back she was passed out on the couch. I saw the bottle but couldn't read it since it was torn to shreds. The blood is brand new if your wondering. It isn't sticky and dried. I'm going to check the knifes for any blood trace." Jennie and Rose were amazing.
"Shit. Her pulse is faint. Get the medical kit. I need to try to wake her up so that the drug will deactivate. That's what's causing the random cuts on her arm to open... wait cuts? Oh no. The cuts. It's not the drug. The bottle was a distraction. Its to hid the fact that she's cutting again. Third time this month I've caught her. Get the alcohol and bandages. We won't take her to the hospital. She's been their too many times already." Jin panicked. I don't think I saw Rose using the latex to make fake cuts. Maybe she planned it before. That could've been why she took so long in her room before. Still, there is a possibility that she hurt herself. If she did, I will unleash hell.
Jin wrapped the cuts and cleaned everything up. Jungkook was crying again. He cried over Rose so many times. I felt bad for him. He and Rose have had a similar childhood. That was how they became best friends in the first place. Rose was going to wake up at 2:45 in the afternoon. We even set an alarm for her in case she fell asleep. There were only 8 minutes left and then she would wake up. I was so excited.
Rose POV
I was faking everything pretty well. I think I pranked Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo as well as BTS. The blood was put in the floor by me while they all left. So was the bottle. The cuts were made before I discussed the plan. Don't worry. I didn't cut myself, just used latex.
I didn't know how much time had passed but I knew I was supposed to wake up soon. I felt someone grab my hand and I unconsciously gripped theirs tighter.
Then all my memory's came back.

BTS tried to kill me and Jennie but Jungkook nor Jimin did anything to stop them. In fact they even helped. Me and Jennie ran away until I blacked out. I fought with them all and convinced them to let us go. That same night I booked a flight so that I could go back to the USA. Before I left to my room, I felt something hit me but not physically. My head was killing me and I blacked out. I found it harder to breathe afterwards. I woke up and confessed that I knew BTS' secret.
That they were the criminals the entire time and they were lying to us for the whole case. They knew who it was but only tried to protect themselves. If they told us anything before, then I would've trusted them. But the thing was that they didn't care if we found out at first. They would've killed us until later apparently when they found out I hurt myself.
I had about 2 comas after that and then I lost my memory. I couldn't eat, or sleep properly and my emotions made me more confused which led to the voice in my head and well you know what happens after.
I shot up and looked around the room. It was mine and Jungkook's room. I didn't even look at him the same. I saw him walk over and sit down on my bed. I was going to yell at him until I realized something. They protected me after everything that happened. They still tried to make me laugh. They still tried to keep me from hurting myself. I couldn't hate them. Not completely at least. I was so stuck in that super cheesy thought that I didn't realize Jungkook was staring at me.
"You remember, don't you? I want to apologize. I hurt you so many times before and continued to. I changed myself and I'm trying to protect you. I'll make sure you won't die. I promise. Look, I'm not really good at the whole apologizing thing but can you forgive me. Please best friend?" I believed every single word this time.
"Of course I forgive you. I take back everything mean I ever said to you. I hurt you more then I thought I would've and I feel like shit because if it. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me... kookie?" I replied back while on the verge of tears.
Soon after me and Junkook hugged, we opened the door. All the members fell and laughed when they said they listened to everything. It was hilarious.
We all had a group hug and I was basically dying in the middle because of how many people were trying to hug me. Once we broke the hug, Jungkook asked to talk to me.
I walked away into the hallway with him and made sure the members weren't listening this time.
"I need to tell you something. I don't know how to express my emotions and shit but here goes. I-I like you Rose and I want to be with you. Your probably thinking that wow it's just like in a movie when the guy asks the girl out. I'm weird I know but will you be m-my girlfriend?" He asked me. He knew exactly what I was thinking.
"Jungkook..." I first replied with a sad tone. "Hell yeah, I wanna be your girlfriend." He looked up and smiled brightly. Soon after he did a dance but stopped realizing that he forgot something.
He stepped closer and closer. I tensed up. The smirk on his face only made it harder for me to look away.

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