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Rose POV
The group has been working on the case for 3 months and BTS still haven't been caught.
I woke up crying for the third time this week. I had the same dream over and over again. Every time I woke up I couldn't sleep in fear of what I would see.
"We never liked you. You were just a toy we used! Always remember that! That's what you will always be to us! Your useless, ugly and stupid!"J-hope yelled straight in my face.
Every time I slept I heard J-hope scream at me in my dream. They all would agree and then abandon me at the side of the road like an unwanted puppy.
It felt way to familiar.
They all asked me if I was okay. It was because of my dreams that made me distance myself from them. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that Jungkook walked into my room. Oh if you're confused let me tell you something, the chief found out about the few people who tried to kidnap me and Jennie and he basically forced us to stay with BTS. Thank God that they had like the biggest dorm in the world.
"Rose. Are you okay? I heard crying in here so I came to see what happened." Jungkook explained.
"Oh-uh nothing. I- I wasn't c-crying in h-here." I stuttered. I was such a dumbass.
"Rose, don't tell me you had another nightmare. You should at least tell me what you see in those dreams that make you cry. If you don't tell me I will make you say it in front of everyone here." Jungkook demanded.
"Fine.... but you can't tell anyone else. So... I heard that my friend had passed away and when one of you guys saw me, you continued to insult me. After a while you all tried to shoot me but I ran away in tears. Then I woke up." I said.
"Trust me when I tell you this. I will make sure that you never get hurt because of anyone. I will fight for you and protect you to the best of my ability. That may sound cheesy but still I mean it." He promised.
"Alright. I trust you completely. You wanna play 20 questions since I think that I woke you up?" I asked politely.
"Sure . I wasn't able to sleep anyways." He replied.
After that we played 20 questions until I started to fall asleep and I put my head on his shoulder but he didn't mind at all.
We ate breakfast and went to the station to start the case. I had assigned partners because I knew Jennie wanted to work with Jimin so I ended up making partners for everyone. Well everyone except me cause like I said I'm not a people person.
"First Namjoon and Jin you need to interrogate suspects and ask witnesses for clues. J-hope and Suga you guys investigate the scene for any clues and Jungkook, Tae, Jimin, and Jennie, you guys will find anything I can analyze in the lab. We meet here at the end of the first half. Got it?" I explained.
"Wait but why aren't you working with a partner?" Tae asked curiously.
"The chief made the partners. I can't change them sorry." I lied. I was pretty insecure about people. Even if they saved my life like twice already. Ohhh right I didn't tell you guys about the second time BTS saved mine and Jennie's life. It all happened like this...
We were at the first scene because of something we well suspected. I heard someone walking away so I followed the sound since I was curious. I was then thrown to the ground and started to feel my skin get cut with a ice cold blade. I had already lost a lot of blood and was about to pass out until I saw all the others beating up the eight people. I had lost so much blood that I had passed out in Jungkook's arms again. Turns out that was an enemy base that we decided to investigate. It wasn't the criminals we were looking for, it was another gang in Korea. I started to think I looked weak in front of the other members and I started training harder that week after the incidents that continued to happen.
Anyways, we all went to our assigned places and I headed for the lab. I went to a closed off area of the lab which basically meant that people weren't there. I put the glass in and waited.
My mind wondered off to Jungkook and how he acted differently in front of me but different in front of his hyungs. Maybe it's because I'm a girl. He probably acts the same way in front of Jennie. I mean he is an international playboy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the report from the glass come out of the machine.
It wasn't anything new. Just what the glass was made of and other things like that. I was about to throw it out until something caught my eye.
The finger print analysis.
I flipped through the report until I found the DNA sample.
I froze.
It couldn't be, right? But if he was there at the cafe then what about the others? What should I do? Should I expose them or let them continue to kill?
One thing was sure. I needed to tell Jennie everything I just discovered. They all lied right to my face. No wonder they all left at night. It wasn't to find details about the case. It was to kill. That was probably why there was a new case every time they left at night. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that Jin had started walking towards the room. I immediately noticed this and got the laptop and changed the fingerprint analysis. I wasn't gonna let them know that I had a clue to the killers identity. They would be in trouble and let their anger out on me and Jennie.
"Hey. I saw you in here and I thought I'd tell you that Tae found something at one of the scenes. Also that we were gonna get takeout later." He explained. I tried not to look scared and it was working.
"Sure. Thanks for letting me know. Can you wait here? I need to grab the analysis for the glass." I answered. He nodded his head and stood there with his normal happy face on.
I grabbed the glass analysis and we walked to the investigation room while laughing about a joke Jin had just said.
When we arrived everybody started to stare at me cause I was still laughing at how adorable his joke was. They all asked me if I was okay and I was like 'yeah I'm fine chill.' We all started to discuss what we found and how there wasn't anything new except the knife with a blood trace on it that I had to analyze again. I showed them the glass analysis and they looked relieved that it didn't say their names. At least they don't know that I know about them, I thought to myself and I started to wonder about Jennie and how she would feel about the situation.
We then went back to the dorm which me and Jennie shared with BTS. I made the excuse to go back to the old apartment because I 'forgot' something. I then rushed Jennie into the apartment and made her sit down so I could explain everything that I discovered.
I told her and she first denied what I was saying until I showed the report.
"But if this is the real report, then what was that other report you gave to the boys?" She asked still shocked about what she had just learnt.
"I rewrote that one before Jin had seen. But did you see their expressions when they saw the report? It was like they were relieved that it wasn't them." I answered back.
We then started to make a new plan about what would happen if they found out that we knew. We would have backpacks ready with money, clothes, passports, and other essentials we needed to escape.
We came back after holding a photo with me and my mom so they wouldn't get suspicious about what we were doing. They made us eat and sent us to sleep early but I was gonna stay up and see where they were going. With Jennie by my side, nothing was gonna happen that could stop us from figuring out who they really were. I would make the excuse of 'my mother is in danger and I had to help her but when I went to tell you guys, you weren't there so I panicked even more.'
It was all planned out. If they left tonight it would prove everything I thought about them but most importantly what I thought about Jungkook. Jimin as well because Jennie and him sorta like each other but I can't let her get hurt. Ever.
Hello my readers! This is one of the longer chapters and the next chapter will have a HUGE CLIFFHANGER! Bye luv ya and plz support this book.

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