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Jennie POV
She was asleep on the couch with all of us surrounding it. Tae and me had finished calling the other two girls. She had to talk to them at least once before we left in two weeks. This was the only way to do it. I tried to calm myself when I saw her move in her sleep. Jimin noticed and hugged me telling me that everything would be okay. She woke up and looked emotionless when she stared at us all. She stayed silent and we gave each other worried looks. She seemed to be more interested in her shoes to notice anything else.
"That's it. Rose we all are sorry about lying to you. We haven't killed anyone after that night. You remember when you were in a coma because of drugs? Well, Jungkook cried himself to sleep every night after that. We all told him that it wasn't his fault but he always blamed himself for not protecting you." Namjoon explained. She looked so hurt but didn't show any signs. It wasn't until her head lowered and she started crying.
"It never was your fault. It was mine for almost overdosing on heroine. I mean, it's my fault that everything gets ruined. I really am terrible and worthless. Everything my family said about me was right. I can't do anything. I'll just leave you all here and you won't need to worry about someone like me ever again." She responded. I couldn't stand the fact that she would accept that stuff about herself.
"YOU ARE NOT ANYTHING LIKE THAT OKAY! You are perfect just the way you are. You always end up caring for everyone else more then yourself. You hurt yourself in the process. I hate your other families. They were stupid to say anything like that. Your beautiful just the way you are." She stood up and tried walking away until Jungkook stopped her. He hugged her. At first she resisted and punched him but he was to strong. She just stood there in silence hugging him while mumbling something.
"I'm sorry for what's going to happen. I hope you can forgive me one day." She spoke. What? Why is she apologizing to us? Next thing I saw was Jungkook crying while trying to convince Rose for something.
"No! Your not leaving me ever again! Please Rose, I won't hurt you again. I'll make sure no one ever does. Please." He pleaded. His voice cracked. She just hugged him and told him to let her go.
She ran to her room while grabbing a kit from the counter. Jungkook chased after her but she locked her bathroom door. He cried and cried but it didn't work. We all started banging on the door and when it opened I broke into tears.
Rose POV
I ran to my bathroom after Jungkook and the others talked to me. I couldn't handle anything anymore. I locked the door and opened the kit. The blades were still there. I grabbed the sharpest one and cut on my vein. At first it felt like I was doing this for the first time but it wasn't. The first time was before my mother died from a car accident. I was so depressed from school that I tried to kill myself. I still have the scars on my neck. I just hid them with makeup.
The ice cold blade continued to cut my soft skin. I cut deeper and deeper until l blacked out. I lost a lot of blood. 'Longer then last time. Finally something I did right......' I thought before I heard yelling and screaming. I felt warm arms pick me up and I was on a bed. I couldn't remember much after.
~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~
Jungkook POV
They still didn't give any updates on Rose's condition. They first told us she was in critical condition and that it would be difficult to save her. 12 hours later and the doctor came out.
"Hello again. She was in terrible condition but we managed to save her. She is in another coma but I don't know how long this one will last. She lost a lot of blood already and I was hoping any one of you guys could donate. Let me check your blood types and I'll update later on. That was all." The doctor explained.
"Thank you doctor. She is a fighter. I just need to know how much the bills are and we can donate some blood. It won't be a problem." Jin responded. They went off taking about the bills. I asked the nurse if we could go in and she said that we need to wait for her to be transferred to a different room. She looked so pale when I saw her. She was still beautiful. Problem was? I couldn't say it to her right then and there. It really was my fault. Why didn't I just decline my fathers offer as a kid? I could've saved her but no. I didn't and now she's in a coma because of me leaving her before.
We walked to her room and I was the last one to visit her.
"Why didn't I save you? I'm a total idiot and you need to wake up at sometime but I need to be there to help you. I won't ever hurt another person if that's what you really want from me." I cried while I said all that. "I'm sorry Rose. I hope you can forgive me one day." I whispered before I shut the door and left her alone. I hated leaving her but I needed to talk with the others about her leaving soon. I honestly don't want her to wake up in two weeks. I want her to wake up after the day her flight is supposed to be. That may seem selfish but it's what I really wanted.
Jimin POV
Jungkook returned from Rose's room. He was broken again. They way he walked and looked was enough to explain how he felt. I couldn't even imagine what he could be feeling right now. I started talking about Rose and about her flight details. Jennie had to stay in Korea for a while longer because of her fathers job. We hoped that she woke up after two weeks so we had an excuse to have her stay with us. I would make her and Jennie happy and keep it that way.
3 weeks later
Jimin POV
She still didn't wake up. Her flight had passed and we were thrilled until we realized that she didn't even wake up. She showed now signs of waking up...yet. We all had enough hope to keep us going. She would wake up. She had to wake up. The group was in the room again. We were all surrounding the bed she was sleeping on. She looked better then before. Jungkook held her hand again. She gripped his hand but let go right after. I looked at her and she started breathing quicker and her heart rate spiked. The doctor had walked in and checked her health. She was fine. She shot up and started to get a panic attack. Jungkook hugged her and she calmed down. The doctor asked her how she felt and she was fine until she saw her wrists. She touched the bandages and flinched. She told him that she was okay and asked for her to have a moment alone with the others. The doctor left the room and we all tackled her in a hug. We got off her and she sat there with no emotion on her face except confusion.
"I'm sorry but...who are you guys exactly?" She asked.
Wait she doesn't remember us? No, this can't happen again.

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