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We reached the police station on Monday. We tried to find the chief and luckily after 15 minutes of searching we found him. We walked up and greeted him.
"Hello. We are the investigators from New York sent to investigate the crime spree." I said.
"Oh right. Well thank you for coming and helping us. Did you go over the case details over these few days since your flight?" He asked.
"Yes and their is a slight problem....well you see the first day we arrived we met those guys from the files at 7am at the Starbucks close to our hotel. They tried to kill us until we started to get the upper hand and they ran. We tried to catch up to them but weren't fast enough so we left them to run. We did pick up some glass that they put their fingerprints on but I didn't have the equipment to analyze them, sir." Rose explained. She was still worried about the 7 guys we met on Friday. When I see those guys again, I will make sure they know never to kill any innocent people again.
"Thank you for finding those samples and I hope that you are okay after what happened. I don't know if your boss told you this but you will be working with another group on the case but don't worry. They are very friendly and work well with others. They are our best investigators." I saw Rose freeze when he said that we had to work with others.
"Thank you. We will go meet the other investigators now, sir." I replied calmly when on the inside I was so nervous about Rose.
We thanked the lady that helped us find the room with the other investigators. We walked in and their heads shot up and stared at us.
"Uh hi. We are supposed to be working with you for the crime spree case. We are the girls from New York." Rose said
"Ohhhh right. Well I'm Namjoon. That's Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and finally Jungkook." When I heard their names, my head shot up and I stared at all their perfect faces. Rose just stood there and was expressionless. She just wanted to start the case besides she was always interested in mystery.
"Hi. I'm Rose and she's Jennie." She was so calm. I was basically speechless.
"Cool well let's start the case. We read the file and there was something that happened that could help us figure out who the killers are." Rose continued.
"What exactly did you find out?" Tae asked.
"I found glass with fingerprints on them at the place of the attack. Rose will analyze the pieces later on but for now we need to interrogate suspects and study the crime scenes." I added. I snapped out of reality after realizing that I was staring at Jimin who was also staring at me. He seeemed cute.
"Alright. Rose will study the glass while the rest of us do the other investigative things." Tae replied. I chuckled at how cute he was. I also noticed how he tried to always to get everyone to smile like J-Hope.
"How about we all get to know each other in the meantime? I mean we all will have to work together on this case for months." Rose asked. She talked way more for some reason. She was always really shy but today was different.
"Sure. How bout you guys come to our place and we can hang there? Jin asked us. We nodded our heads and with that we left to their place.
"How about we play kiss, marry, kill?" I asked. I don't know why but I feel comfortable with these guys around. Still I'm nervous.
"Yeah!!! I love that game!" Namjoon screamed from the other room.
"Alright. Come on sit down." I exclaimed. It had only been 2 hours and we were already close like family. Everyone except me cause I'm not really a people person. Why? You'll find out soon enough. Anyway we started playing the game and someone asked me.
"Rose. Jungkook, Jennie or...Baekhyun?" Suga asked me.
"Marry Jennie, Kiss Jungkook and kill Baekhyun." I answered calmly.
(A/N I don't hate Baekhyun I just had to use him in the story anyways.... bye luv ya)
"Ohhhhhh." They all said staring at me and Jungkook.
"Lol. You guys are weird.." Jungkook answered to their response. I agreed with Jungkook but that only made them weirder and before I knew it they started making ship names.
"Thanks guys see you tomorrow. Bye!" Jennie said after telling them that we could go home alone since we were already armed.
They all waved back and I started laughing when Rap Monster broke the plate he was holding in two pieces without even trying.
Me and Jennie were talking until we stopped when we felt someone following us.
Before I knew it, Jennie was trying to fight off one guy trying to get her to come with him.
That brought back my memories of my childhood.
One of the three guys walked over to me and tried to touch me. I started to knee him in the stomach and he layed on the ground unconscious. Jennie fought off the other guy and two more were left.
We first tricked them by switching our stances and confusing them but we fell to the ground due to the hard impact of punches and kicks the two drunk guys were giving us. We were coughing up blood and I couldn't take it because of the cuts I already had on my stomach. I heard running coming towards us and I panicked. Who was it? Was it another person trying to hurt me and Jennie?
It wasn't until the two guys were on the ground clutching their bleeding noses that I realized it was BTS who knocked out those two guys. They had punched them right in nose and were checking our pulses after. Jennie was unconscious already but luckily was still alive. I on the other hand could barely sit let alone walk.
"Can you walk? I told you we should've dropped you two off instead!" Jin started to curse at himself for being so stupid. Namjoon was trying to not burst into tears I could tell.
Jimin picked up Jennie and started to carry her to their house. I was in so much pain that I didn't even notice that Jungkook was picking me up and carrying me. I fell asleep in his comforting arms.
I woke up to a stinging pain that I felt on my arms. I stared to panic when I saw Jungkook cleaning my wounds with the rest of the members standing around the couch with Jennie.
I immediately covered my arms and made sure that they didn't see my stomach and any other cuts on my skin.
"W-why are y-you doing that to y-yourself?" Jungkook stuttered while trying to hold back tears.
"Why do you guys care? It's not like anyone ever has so why do you suddenly care?" I replied coldly.
"Just because we met you today doesn't mean that we don't care about you!" Suga exclaimed.
"It will just be temporary anyways. It always is." I mumbled.
"No it won't. I was there for you since I met you and I'm pretty sure that these guys will be too." Jennie replied.
"Whatever. I don't want want you guys to know why I cut so don't ask." I answered.
"Don't tell us if you don't want to but just promise us that you won't cut again."Jungkook and Tae asked me.
"I'll try my best not to cut anymore." I wasn't completely sure about that answer I gave.
"Alright. Let me dress your wounds at least." Jin asked politely. I nodded my head.
After that I stayed at their house for the night and they didn't mind at all. I mean like they were so happy when I asked if me and Jennie could stay over.
I slept like a baby last night thinking how the boys would treat me now that they found out that I cut. What I don't want them to find out is why I cut. It all started when he had to move to Korea from America and I had lost my first love. I don't think he remembers me anymore though. His harteu probably belongs to someone else. Jeon Jungkook had to leave me behind.
I didn't know then that my life would change completely after that day.

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