Chapter 8

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The next day I arrived at my shared office with Lee, his face was screwed up in horror as he read something online. Sitting my stuff down on my desk, I walk over and poke him in the forehead.

"Helllloooo, what wrong?" I ask him and look over his shoulder. He was looking at the members shared Instagram and I see Tae with a big smile, the background looked familiar. Looking down, I read the caption and see that it says got dinner with a new special friend ^.^ I put a hand over my mouth, what the hell did he post?!

"What the hell is he up to?" Lee finally snaps and I jump back in surprise.

"Uh-uh what's wrong with that?" I ask nervously, afraid of his response.

"What's wrong with it? This could mean many different things and have you read the comments?" Lee points to the screen in annoyance and I bend forward to read the comments section.

"Who's his special friend? Does oppa have a secret girlfriend?!"

"What does this mean? Are you secretly dating someone?"

"Who's the slut that stole my oppa?"

And on and on and on.

"What should we do?" I ask worried, I was scared of the fans and was afraid backlash like this would happen.

"Well, we are going to need to find and talk to V, then we need him to explain that it was one of the members that was with him" Lee stands up and walks out into the hall, I follow after him, writing down what he said. Already formulating a proper explanation to post on their Instagram later. Maybe I will try to get them doing a silly pose, to make the situation seem like no big deal... hmmmm.


We arrive to the dance room and Lee walks straight to V where he puts him in a headlock and starts to scold him over how he shouldn't post mysterious posts like that and to quit causing us so much trouble.

"Lee-shi, Lee-shi, I said sorry already, please let me go!" Lee finally releases him and Tae runs behind me. Lee looks like he is about to blow. Waiting for the explosion, instead I am met with silence. Opening my eye, I see that he takes a deep breath and counts to 10 under his breath. Once calm, he grabs his phone out of his pocket and hands it out for him to take; Tae reaches around and grabs it. Lee tells him what to do and then stomps out of the room, talking a mile a minute about how our day is ruined and all the work we have to do now to cover up Tae's astronomical mistake. I stayed behind and bowed to the members in apology then ran out after him, giving Tae a quick angry look on my way out.

Tae POV.

I watch Ro as she runs out and see the angry look she gave me as she passed by. I knew from that look, I was going to get an earful later...

Bam! Pain blossoms behind my head.

"Ow!" I turn around and see Rapmonster smiling in anger.

"What did you do this time V?"



After a long day of dealing with the fans and trying to calm them down, we were able to announce the new album Bangtan was going to release soon and that seemed to placate them.

"Phew! That could have been bad" Lee sits back in his chair, stretching out his fingers. I was doing the same after a long day of hurriedly typing out responses to the fans and trying to save face. "Wanna get a drink?" he looks hopeful, hoping I would say yes.

Deciding that we both had a long day and deserved a drink, I said yes. We gathered our stuff and headed out to the elevator. We were trying to decide where to go when the doors opened to reveal all of the boys of Bangtan.

"Oh Rose-shi, Lee-shi, just who we were looking for!" Jin steps forward with a friendly smile "We were wondering if you would like for us to take you to out for a dinner and drinks, considering all that you had to deal with today with a certain members of ours" Tae gives us his big apologetic eyes. Lee sighs and agrees so we join them on the elevator and ride it down below. Looking around, I see the boys put on their disguises, the doors ding open to an underground garage and the boys lead us out to a waiting van. Well this is going to be interesting...

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