Chapter 25

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Will start adding music to the emotional chapters to make you all cry ^.^

Ch 25

Pulling out the roasted chicken from the oven, I hum along to my Spotify playlist as I dance around the kitchen, singing along with the lyrics badly. Mason is in his little swing facing me, giggling as he watches me dance around, his little feet wiggling to the tune. Checking on the mashed potatoes on the stove, I deducted it a dinner well made. Leaving all the food in the oven on warm so the food will still be hot, I then turn around and grab all the dishes and glasses to set out on the dining table.

Once everything is set up, I light the candles on the tabletop. Looking around the kitchen, I see that everything is ready. Walking towards my son, I pick him up from the swing and start slowly swaying with him. He gives me a gummy smile as he happily smiles with slobbery cheeks. Giggling at him, I wipe his face off as I give him kisses all over his cute little face.

"Mason, you are the only man I need in my life" I say as I start to sway to a slow song, a song that is fairly familiar, a song sung in Korean by different voices. I nearly ignore it completely until a deeper voice enters the mix which causes me to stop my little dance with my son. That voice, a voice so deep that it reaches parts of my heart and soul no one else has touched since before. Pausing, I look towards my laptop where the music is playing on my kitchen counter. As his voice fills the air, memories start to swirl in my mind as a familiar box smile and a sweet face fills my minds eye. I don't notice anything around me for a moment as all the bitter-sweet memories fill me so fully with a mixture of emotions I don't want to consider the meaning of...

A loud knock causes me to snap back to reality and I realize the song had already passed and now the soft sounds of death cab for cutie comes on. Looking down, I see Mason has fallen asleep in my arms with an adorable smile playing on his lips. Sighing, I put him back down into his swing and walk towards the front door. Excitement starts to fill me at the thought of one of my best friends standing on the other side of the oak door.

Breathing in air, I release it as I say smile large and open the door with, "Lee I have missed" trailing off, I look behind a wide-eyed guilty looking Lee to the person standing behind him. To the person with large brown eyes, eyes so warm, that I feel in love with them at first sight in a park that was cool and smelled like cinamon. To the person who was my first for everything: my first love.

"Tae...hyung" I breath out as I feel prickling in my eyes, "W-what are you doing here?" my heart starts to twist painfully after seeing him after all this time. His mouth starts to open to say something when suddenly a loud scream comes from behind me. Without saying anything, I blindly follow my instincts as they lead me back to my son who just woke up and panicked when he couldn't find me.

Picking up, I start to sway him as I whisper to him that everything is okay. Feeling a warmth behind me, I turn around and spot the person who makes my heart still jump as dread fills me. The person whose eyes are staring intently down at the body in my arms, down at the small person whose face is a replica of the person who helped make him. His eyes start to fill with tears and he grips his chest as he looks back up to my eyes as my own fill with warmth.

Taehyung is finally meeting his son.

Taehyung P.O.V.

Standing outside, on the doorstep of Rose's home has my heart beating rapidly. Twisting my hands in fear i fidget as my eyes are locked onto the brass handled knocker. The house is large and stately with grey paint and white trimming, a house made for memories, warmth, and children to grow up in. On the front door is something in English but I can't figure out what it says, but I can tell it is her handwriting, the swirling loops of always connected letters that never really made sense to me--the love of my life's writing. I put my hand on top of Lee's shoulder as he is about to knock, and he turns back to look at me.

"Lee, what if she won't see me? What if doesn't like me?" I gulp as I finally voice my thoughts. I am still coming to terms with getting used to saying, 'my baby,' and now, I am finally getting to see them both. The love of my life and the child we made, the child I abandoned. The word piercing my heart and I grab my chest. The hollow feeling I've had ever since I left Rose in that conference room is now filled with thorns as I realize all of my actions now as I stand on her doorstep. I hurt not only her, but my child.

Lee can see the conflict in my eyes, as he places a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Taehyung, all you can do is try..." he looks at me once last time. Raising his hand, he knocks on the door. After a few seconds, we can hear the padding of feet reach us as the lock on the door clicks open and the door flings open. There standing at the doorstep is the person who holds my heart. Shrouded in light, I am in awe of her figure clad in a large white sweater rolled to her elbows, a black skirt and tights underneath. Brown boots that go up until her knees, and her beautiful hair falling around her shoulders. Her green-hazel eyes make eye contact with me as whatever she is about to say falls off her pink dewy lips.

"Tae...hyung" her voice breaks on my name and I feel it fissure in my heart. I am about to speak when a scream comes from inside the house. She quickly turns around, leaving the door open behind her as she heads back inside. Panicked about the scream, I follow after her to where the scream quiets down. Her back is to me as I walk closer to her back until there is about a foot left between us. I can hear her shushing whatever is in her arms, but see her back tense.

Slowly, she turns and looks me in the eyes as I stare back but let my eyes travel down to the face in her arms. I lock my eyes on the pair of brown eyes staring back at me with a large square smile. Seeing that face makes a ringing start in my ears as I look down at the face that captures me in a second just like his mothers' did. A warmth spreads across my chest as pin pricks hit the corner of my eyes as they fill with warm liquid. Staring into those warm brown eyes where my features are prominent but underneath especially with the way he looks at someone is just like his mothers. Gripping my chest, I feel a twist so strong that it makes me lose my breath as I look back up into her eyes where I see her eyes muddled and shiny with unshed tears.

I have finally met my son, the son I abandoned...


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