Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The night of my drunken disaster happened nearly a month ago, and I haven't been able to see Tae all that often since then because all the boys in bts were throwing themselves into practice for their upcoming new album release. It was because of their upcoming release that it seemed Lee and I were typing our fingers off on hinting at teasers for all their fan base outlets, and because of my position as their publicist, I also had the extra work of preparing possible answers and translation for the boys as they tour the world while all the other staffers prepare for bts's concert schedules and traveling. Currently, I was running to go pick up some proto types of fan gear we were trying to decide whether to give away in a contest for fans. I was heading out to the front of the building when I run straight into a person, causing us both to fall down.

"owwwww" I groan out in pain with my eyes screwed shut as my gluteus maximus pulses in pain.

"Ah....sorry....huh? Ro?!" the guy in-front of me grouses out in a deep voice. Recognizing the deep voice, I open one eye and see Tae sitting in-front of me in disguise.

"huh, Tae?" realizing I had crashed into him, I grab his shoulders in a panic, worried I hurt him he can't get hurt right before their album release! "Tae? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Oh I am so sorry!" I was starting to panic more and more. Hoping I have not hurt him right before a major album release and caused him and they boys setbacks, or worse yet, ruining his career! At that thought tears spring to my eyes; panic was now truly setting in as my heart races. My hands were on both of his shoulders in a vice now and I was looking him up and down looking for signs of injury. Noticing my panic, Tae grabs my hands on his shoulders and pulls me up so we are both standing then pulls me into a hug and starts to pat my back.

"It's okay, it's okay" he hums into my ear softly. At first I was frozen then quickly melts into his embrace. My heartbeat slows down and for what felt like in forever, I felt calm in the first time in what seemed like months. I never realized how tense I've been the last few weeks. We sat like that for a few seconds, him petting my head and humming softly in my ear, me feeling a euphoria like never before. Until my moralistic and logical mind started to yell at me:

Heelllloooooo, what are you doing? Did you forget you are in front of your work, hugging one of your co-workers who is in definition: absolutely off limits?! Or the fact you were on your way to grab something important for the job of your dreams? What is wrong with you, you guys are just friends, except right now we look like anything but co-workers, get your crap together girl!!!

At that, I am pulled out of my funk and quickly push Tae away from me then look around in a panic to see if anyone was watching us. Thankfully it was getting late and the sun had already set, we were the only ones in front of the building door furthest away from the receptionist and behind a tree.

Sighing I turn back to see a slightly confused Tae, straightening up I smooth down my red burgundy sweater dress and look him in the eye.

"Sorry about that, I was in a rush and wasn't paying attention" I bow in sorry "Well thank you for calming me down" cough "but we shouldn't do things like that, I don't want someone from work misinterpreting our relationship nor would want one of your fans to see this. I don't want to ruin your career Tae"

His eyes look hurt for a second, but it quickly fades as he nods in understanding.

"Well, I'm fine, promise" he smiles largely and walks behind me to the door, I turn and follow him with my gaze. When he gets to the door, he turns back to me and gives me another smile "well see you later Ro" his tone was different than before. My heart lurchs for some reason and I raise my hand to my chest as I smile back

"Yes, see you later"

Unbeknownst to us, someone did see us and was shocked at what he found.

*work of fiction, not in all true*


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