They Meet

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  Getting a call make Beam afraid, what if Kit calls him again and how will he response. When see the caller name, he relief, it's just Lam.

"Beam, where are you going? I just saw your car. Come let's go to my house. I have drinking party and it will not let you down." Lam said.

"I'm not going anywhere, just drive around because of bored. Then, I will go to your house. Send me the location."

"You will come. Cool! Okay, I will send you the location. Why not bring Ai Pha and Ai Kit also?" Lam sounds estatic.

"Ai Pha, if he come I afraid the world war 4 will fall onto him. Ai Kit, he is just... busy." Beam sounds a little sad when mention about Kit.

"Auu... Pha and Kit can't come? It's okay, but make sure you are coming. Bye, see you soon." Lam replied before disconnect the call.

Beam sees the location and drove his car towards the Lam place. Maybe he needs to drunk himself to forget about everything that happened.

Luckily, Lam's house is not that far. He can see that there is not too much people and the people just relaxed around while drinking and Beam like this atmosphere, he doesn't like the crowded and noisy place when his mind is occupied and stress.

At one table, he can see Forth there. Without any hesitations, he walks there and sit beside him.

"Ai Forth, alone?" Beam asks to start the conversation. There are already drinks on the table, Beam just pick it up and drink it.

"Yeah." Forth replied but this reply make Beam cannot continue the conversation so he knows Forth doesn't want to talk. Beam also like this quietness, tell the truth he also doesn't want to talk.

Both of them keep drinking. Beam doesn't know why he become relaxed. Sitting beside Forth is relax maybe because the influenced of alcohol.

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