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Warning: This chapter is super boring. You can skip if you want but you will be confused during the rest of the story when I mention stuff from this chapter. Also I became good at writing! When I last wrote a chapter on here, it was like September. Now it's March and I have improved in writing. I hope it shows.

Elizabeth Shadow's POV

'We actually got in. Crystal sure is good at her job, I tell you that.' I think as we follow Jin to his headquarters. He was currently explaining that we would have to share rooms with other members since we were new.

Jin stops in front of the building. "I will announce the person you will share a room with and they will show you around," Jin states. I just notice that there were people standing across from us. (I used a randomizer aka a friend to choose the roommates) "The groups are Crystal Rose and Rin Canada, Stacy Playz and Pat Night, Elizabeth Shadow and Ian Ssundee, Jordan Raiser and Dan Diamond, Jessica Odinson and Lizzie Landrum, Adam Dahlburg and Ross Washington, Max Zan and me, Michael Vactor and Joel Smallish, Jen Pinkmmos and Nick Barbierian, Benjamin Crainer and Zachary Graser, Elizabeth Madness and Shelby Grace, Cory Crater and John Shikular."

'So I'm with someone named Ian. I believe he is the Agent Ssundee,' I think to myself. I see people walking to each other. A man with sunglasses and a suit walks up to me.
"Are you Elizabeth Shadow?" The man asks. 'Ah. So this must be Ian.'

I nod, "and you must be Ian?"

He nods, "let me show you around. We'll be exploring with Joel and Michael."

He takes me over to Michael and a man who I don't know. I assume it's Joel, though. Michael sees us approaching and waves at me.

"Hey Lizzie," he greets me when we get over to them.

"Lizzie?" Joel and Ian ask in unison.

"Elizabeth is my name, but Lizzie is my nickname," I answer.

They both nod in understandment. They lead us to the entrance of the building. Joel opens the door for us. "Welcome to your new home," he says.

We walk inside to see a lot more people. The room looks like an entrance hall. It has stairs leading to another floor, two doors probably leading to different room, a chandelier, some couches, and a desk.

"This is the entrance hall," Ian says.

Michael and I nod. 'This place looks really nice. I wonder if they forced people to make this place,' I think to myself as I look around.

Joel and Ian take us to the door to the left. Ian opens the door to reveal a lounge area. "This is the lounge," Joel says.

In this room there were a lot of couches, tables, and chairs. There was even a mini cafe in the room. To our right there was a door. Looking around the room I see Max, Jess, Jin, and Jess's roommate Lizzie #2. I am the first Lizzie, forever.

"On to the next room," Joel says, happily. Michael and I follow them out of the lounge and back to the entrance hall. This time, however, we go through the other door.

We go inside to see a lot of weapons and gear. "This is our weaponry," Ian says.

'They have a weaponry?!' I think to myself in shock. Though, I shouldn't be surprised. They do kill people after all.

"Wow...." Michael says in shock. Good thing I'm not the only one in shock.

"I'm guessing neither of you are going to kill," Ian says. Michael and I both nod. Like hell I'm gonna kill innocent people because we're infiltrating this base.

We, thankfully, leave the room. They lead us back to the entrance hall and then back into the lounge. We go through the door in the lounge leading us to an..... office? I look around to see multiple desks with computers on them. There were bookshelves all around the room and a table with a lot of papers. On the desks next to the computers, were headphones with microphones. Probably used to talk with the agents on missions.

"This is the room where the hackers and brains work. They make plans, hack into stuff, and tell us where to go through the headphones," Joel says.

Suddenly the door opens to reveal Crystal and her roommate, Rin. Rin took Crystal over to places in the room and explained things to her. We soon left the room.

"Is that Crystal girl a brains or a hacker?" Ian asks.

Michael nods, "she is a hacker. A really good one at that."

"That's good. We need more of them," Ian replies.

We head back to the entrance hall and we go up the stairs. We went up the first flight of stairs to reveal a hallway with lots of doors. Joel waves at Ian and takes Michael up more stairs.

"This floor and all the floors above this one, are the bedrooms. Our room is on this floor, that's why we stayed here," Ian explains.

I nod as Ian leads me down the hall to a door. He takes out keys and and unlocks the door. He opens the door and I step inside. There were rooms inside of the room. I go into each room. There was a living room, kitchen/dining room, two bathrooms, and a bedroom. I'm very thankful that we won't be sharing a room. I see that one of the bedrooms has stuff in it so I assume that it's his room.

He points to the other bedroom, "that's your room."

I nod as I go into my temporary room. I put my backpacks down on the bed. I sit on the bed and remember something Crystal had said before we came here.

"I have an idea on what we can do." Crystal says. We all look at her. "How about we ALL go undercover as new spies and we try to get information by getting close to them like love-wise?"

I start blushing furiously. 'So we're going to have to pretend to love them and hope that they fall for us. Geez, we're being a but harsh but then again, they kill innocent people. It's our job to out a stop to it!' I nod to myself as I start to unpack. I put my clothes in the drawers. Other stuff other places. The room has a queen sized bed, a work desk, a bathroom attached to it, and desks that has drawers to put clothes in.

I lay down on the bed. 'I'm going to have to see which person I have to seduce. For now, though, it's time for sleep.' I think to myself as I drift off into slumber.

Im so happy I got this chapter out! Thank you everyone for being patient, I really appreciate it! I'll try updating Experiments For Hybrids and The Legends this week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Crystal Out!

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