Gap Moe

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Sorry I haven't been posting. I have no excuses other than I was lazy and haven't been feeling up to writing. But now, I've gotten back my inspiration. So the books shall continue!

Ross's POV

Something seems... off about the new people. Why should I care, though? People will be people. It is fun to tease my teammates about their crushes. None of the newbies have stuck out to me.

Well.... I guess one has. He seems reckless and dumb, though. Recklessness will ultimately be his down fall. Then again, we're all being reckless by being apart of this agency.

However, I wouldn't have it any other way. Hm, time to learn some thing about the newbies.

*The Next Day*

I watch silently as John takes Michael out of the headquarters. Ignorant fool, going out in public with a newbie. Well, I have more teasing material now. Time to go through with my plan. Hm... Who should I talk to?

I look around to see who was around. I spot Max talking to Adam, I believe those were their names. Adam.... or whatever his name is if it isn't Adam.... his alias is Sky, like the boss of SkyAgencies. Max's,or whatever his name is, alias is Mithzan, just like one of SkyAgencies agents. Maybe they like those names or they are pretending to be them to get them in trouble. The second one seems very plausible if they are actually smart enough to pull it off.

I guess I'll talk to them, maybe get information out of them. I don't necessarily like talking to strangers out of a mission, but information is key.

I walk over to the foolish fool and the princess flame rip-off (If anyone gets the reference, you are my new favorite person!). Neither of them seemed to notice my presence coming towards them. It wasn't until I was standing right next to them, did they realize my presence. They stared at me silently, as if they didn't know what to do or say. Gosh, why did Jin hire these buffoons!

"Hello," I greeted, "politely" with a wicked smile on my face.

The minion reject smiles nervously at me, "hey... Actually, I need to go do something. You two have fun!" With that, the boring oak sap runs away, leaving me with the male garnet nobody wanted.

I look at the flaming Cheeto's in they eyes, and he stares back at me. He doesn't seem frightened by me... Interesting... The only people who aren't intimidated by me are my teammates.... My "family" as you will.

"Hi, I'm Ross. My alias is Redstoner. You've probably heard a lot about me," I say to him, hoping to spark some reaction. Sadly to no avail.

"I know, I'm not stupid," he snaps.

Personally, I think that he is for not being intimidated by me. I've never met anyone who wasn't frightened by me. Other than my teammates, obviously. This boy is... unique... Maybe I should play with him for a bit. Distort his reality and mind set.

"And you're not quivering in fear? You truly are stupid," I retort back, smugly.

"You're even more stupid for thinking you are remotely intimidating. A penguin is more frightening than you," the red hitler replies, smirking.

Max's POV


Ross's POV

I feel my left eye twitch in annoyance and anger. Did he dare call ME stupid?! Oh, he is interesting after all. I'm going to "enjoy" spending time with him.

"Wow! This is unexpected! Am I, Max Zan, making REDSTONER angry?! I feel honored!" the fucking Dorito fuckup says, cockily.

I feel my left eye twitch more. I hope I get to be the one to torture and kill him.

"You're the most annoying thing I've ever had the displeasure in meeting," I glare at him.

He simply smirks back at me and crosses his arms. He chuckles a bit before waving at me.

"Hah! I have better things to be doing! Hope never to see you existing again!" the Orange Kirishima doppelgänger says, and leaves.

I'm left in shock that someone that was a complete stranger, talked to ME like that! Maybe, I can make that kid obedient... Yea... That'll be fun.....

There are a lot of references in there, hope y'all enjoyed. Currently, I'm sleeping on a different bed, because a spider is above my real bed. I'm too afraid to sleep on that bed now. Wish me luck in surviving!

~Crystal Out!

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